Nexxchange on your Smartphone

Nexxchange on your Smartphone



You can off course also use our Marketplace on your mobile phone Android and Apple to make your reservations.




On this page you will find answers to the following questions:



How to use save it on your phone


Go to the web browser :


Go to our website: www.nexxchange.com :


Go to share :


Scroll down :


Add to Home Screen :


Add :





Go to the web browser :


Add page to :

Home screen :

Add :




Welcome to Nexxchange!



How to utilize your Nexxchange



Tap the button in the upper right corner of your screen:



Then, tap on “Login”:



By tapping on the flag, you can choose from several, fully translated languages, supported by our Nexxchange-Marketplace:



How can I register?


After tapping on Login, you have the following options available:


  • Create a new Account

  • Login with your registered E-Mail-Address and your set password




Click on Register to register today!


Enter your data in the fields below.



You can only relay the number of a Mobile phone, starting with the international area code.



If you value your privacy, please make sure it’s set to “Only Me”:



How can I book a Tee Time?

The operation and use of the Nexxchange-App is similar to that of our website, for more details on creating your account and what options you have, please visit the following page:

Nexxchange Portal


Only relevant data, needed for the use of our Nexxchange-App via your mobile phone, is being transferred and analyzed on this website.


So let us get started!


After your registration / login,you can search directly on the first page for the golf club where you want to book a Tee Time:



Tap inside of the white search field Before you type anything, you will be shown your favorites and an alphabetical order of Golf Clubs available to book in, which you can manually scroll through:



Now we want to search for a Golf Club, so we type a few letters in:



You may then tap on the Golf Club you found to open its overview:



If there are already players who have booked, you will be able to see it. Whether you or they can your name (or your Nickname) depends on each Account’s Privacy Options.


On this overview page, you can view the following things, including:



Adding a Golf Club to my Favorites / Removing it from my Favorites


← If you want to save this club as your favorite, tap this star next to the Golf Club’s name:



The star will then turn blue.


If want to remove a Golf Club from your Favorites, tap the button again:



Booking a Tee Time - Overview


Our mobile application is easy and intuitive to use, once you familiarize yourself with your options at hand.


Choose a Course


You can freely choose between Courses you can book, by tapping on the lower-left menu, and then on the Course in the dropdown-menu:



Choose a Date


To navigate the Date, you can do one of 2 things.


Either tap on this icon to open a calendar-overview:



Tap on the Date you want to book for. You may also navigate between months.


Golf Clubs have specific booking policies, so you may be limited to book only a few days/weeks in advance. Consult the Golf Club you want to book in for further information.


Or tap on the Date to open a dropdown-menu, choosing your date:



Scroll up and down and tap on the desired date to book.


Choose a Time


After deciding on the Date, the first available Tee Time you are allowed to book will be shown.


If you tap on the Time, you will open another dropdown-menu


Or, use the buttons to its right to add/subtract one hour immediately:




After deciding, the overview will refresh, starting with the first available Tee Time you can book.


Check available Facets


Tap on the “Show all facets” button will offer you an overview of all available variations to be booked, for this Course:



Choose an available Facet


Tap on an open Tee Time (one blue box) to show the bookable facets…


Then, directly tap on the one you want:



Booking a Tee Time - The Booking Process


Just as if you would be using our Website, you are free to do the following things in our Nexxchange-App:


  • Booking additional players/friends

  • Add/book rental articles

  • Send an additional message (if activated by the Golf Club) as information


Once you have decided to book a Tee Time, the App will change into the Booking-Process overview.


You may search for association members, book for friends or add new friends (by clicking on the blue silhouette):




By tapping on:



You will open a new overview. Tap onto “Please pick a rental article” to open a new sub-menu:



Pick the rental article of your choice and add it to your booking items.



You may book additional rental articles, depending on the Golf Club’s preferences and their availability. For more information, contact the Golf Club you want to book in.



You may also relay an optional message (if activated), to let the Golf Club know of an information you want them to know about. Tap here…



Then, tap inside the white field to insert your message:


Once satisfied, click on:



Then, accept the cancellation terms, to finalize your booking:




Tap “Book Now” to finalize your booking placed.





…and voilà, you are now ready to play! We wish you a good game!



Where can I check for (upcoming) Tournaments/Tournament Series?


Click on the “Tournament”-Button to check for tournaments being held in this Golf Club:



You may also check Tournament Series by tapping on the related button:



← Tap this button to return to the overview of available Tee Times.



← You may also tap on the overview to navigate menus.



These navigation buttons are useful if you want to open different menus / different pages.



Where can I check my placed Orders?



Tap on the button shown above, then navigate to “Orders”:



Choose between one of these 3 options:

Upcoming / Last 30 days / Year to Date,

to switch between your available overviews:



Where can I check my Notifications?



Click on the symbol shown above, in the upper right corner of your screen, to open your “Notifications”-Overview:




Here, you can check other player’s bookings or be notified about another topic (e.g. friend requests).

Where can I check and change my Settings?



Tap on the button shown above, then navigate to “Account Settings”:


You can then navigate to your desired menu:




Where can I check and change my General Settings?



Under “Settings”, tap on “General settings”:



Here, you can Reset your password. Please consult the Nexxchange-Support team if you require a change to data you can not change (like your name). You may also add additional data to your profile, which is used while verifying your membership manually:



Data entered here might as well be necessary for Tournament-registrations. If saved, you will not be prompted to enter it again during the booking process.


You may also go back by tapping on “Settings” quickly, then tapping on “General Settings”:



Where can I adjust my Privacy Settings?



Tap on “Privacy”:



Here, you can check your Privacy-options, to hide/show your name, or to define a Nickname to be shown when booking.



You may also Request to delete your Account, which is permanent. Your Account can not be restored.


Where can I see my added Friends?




Tap on “Friends”:



Here, you can see and manage your friends, and invite new ones by adding their E-Mail-Address.


← Tap on this button to navigate to “Blocked Users” by you:



Where can I check my Credit Card?



Tap on “Credit cards”:



Here, you can check (and delete) any already deposited Credit Card information to be used for Payment.


Where can I check my Customer Account?




Tap on “Customer Accounts”:



Here, you can check your Electronic Wallet or Customer Accounts activated and managed by our Golf Suite.


Where can I see/verify my Membership?




Under Golf, tap on “Golf”:



← Click on this button to start verifying your membership:



Tap on one association and follow the information there to guide you into verifying your membership.


Where can I find my QR-Code?



Tap on the button shown above, then tap on your name:



Now, your QR-Code can be scanned. This is a new function which will be able to identify you, for instance, granting you permissions to open specific doors.




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