Periodic billing process

Clicking on this tab opens the Billing processes menu.

Here you can start a process to generate invoices for multiple customers by using a set of specified options.


The Nexxchange Support-Team gladly offers you assistance, if you require any support. Whether you ask us to offer assistance, or you want to perform the operation on your own, there are a few things you need to consider and check:


  1. Set the current Fiscal Year correctly. So invoices are generated with the correct year, e.g. 2023/0000001, if you want to create invoices for the next year.

  2. Invoice Number Enumerations - Do you want to start from 0 or not for next year? E.G. if yes → Set Last Invoice Number to 0. Please be careful, if you revert back, to track note of the Last Invoice Number. Our system does not let you use the same invoice number twice.

Price Rules

  1. If there are any customers with a specific agreement, define price rules beforehand - Once invoices are created, the charged price is set and can not be changed. The only option is to void wrong invoices, creating potential chaos for your accounting team - So this is to be avoided.

  2. Double check if an existing price rule is correct for the next period to be billed.


  1. Check the prices you want to charge (Articles of your memberships).

  2. Is the Billing category assigned to new memberships you might have created during the Golf Saison? Are there special Billing categories you might want to use for specific memberships? If yes, these need to be defined under Club → Managed Golfclubs.

  3. Any memberships needs to be terminated? If yes, please define the correct End Date.

  4. In case a new type of membership is used, terminate the membership with the correct End Date, then reactivate it and define the correct “new” Start Date.

Periodic billing

  1. Do all members have Periodic billing defined? Try our filter system:

  2. Are there customers/new customers who want to pay with SEPA?

  3. If yes, is the bank information correct? Is a SEPA-Mandate defined?

  4. Is someone else paying the bill of this customer?

  5. Are the customer records clean? ->Is a billing address defined or/and an E-Mail-Address? Is the customer salutation defined? This is important to check before you send the invoices either via E-Mail or as a letter.


There might be special things you need/want to consider. If you require our assistance, we gladly provide it. Let us know if there are any specific questions.


Pressing on the +-button will open a new dialog window.



There are several options available here:


Which customer should get considered?



Later generated invoice properties


  • Invoice Tag - Create and/or choose an invoice tag. This is a very important tool to filter invoices.

  • Invoice date - Set the Invoice date for all created invoices.

  • Invoice Due (date) - Set the invoice due date for all created invoices.


Once specified, you will see a blue and a yellow icon. Clicking on this billing process will show additional tabs below it:

  • Process Status

  • Process Step Details

  • Generated Invoices


Clicking on the blue icon will open a new dialog window, copying its properties, which you can freely edit.



Clicking on the yellow icon will open the same dialog window, in which you can edit the specified properties.


Once you are satisfied with the selected options, navigate to Process Step Details and click on the button

to generate the preview for this billing process. You will be notified and asked to click again on this button to finish generating the overview.



If you generate the billing process details, you will not be able to change any property in this billing process anymore. Please make sure you have the desired parameters defined beforehand.


Now you can check the billing template which are considered eligible to be generated.



Pressing on the blue eye-icon will let you check additional data about the customer’s invoice. It will also notify you about specific instances, like if there’s nothing left to be billed.


Please make sure the customers, which are considered to be billed by this billing process, are the correct ones you want to bill. Add a price rule for specific customers if needed.

Please click on the yellow button to generate the invoices.



You will be warned about if you want to generate these invoices. Click on Generate Invoices to finish this billing process.


This can not be reverted. Please make sure the selection of created invoices is correct.



The Process Status will notify you about what was done in this billing process.



Under Generated Invoices, you can check what invoices have been created.



From here, you may proceed to send Emails or Letters immediately, if desired.

You can also filter invoices or add/remove Invoice Tags, just like in the overview of Invoices.