
Group Definition


This tab shows an overview of all your currently created Groups, including the actual groups like families, companies, clubs, etc.


Pressing on the green + button opens a new dialog window.


Choose your Group name, define a Person paying (optional), choose a Group Type defined under Group Configuration and whether you want Group payment activated.


Each group can only have one group type, defined in the sub-tab Group configuration.

For more details on how to set up a groups, please refer to this page: Customers & CRM - Groups

Group Configuration


Here you can define a new Group type. You start with a basic, overall definition (family, company, club, etc.) and then manually add each position (Father/Mother/Owner/Co-Worker/Greenkeeper/etc.).

Choose “Group Type”:



Define a name:



Afterwards, you may add a position:



Once you click on the green “Save”-button, this position will be added under your Group Type.



For a detailed guide on how to set up a Group configuration, please refer to this page:

Customers & CRM - Group configuration

Dynamic Membership


To define a Dynamic Membership, you first have to set up a new Group configuration.

If you try to add a new type of group, a dialog window will ask you the following:



Choosing the latter option opens a very different configuration, opposed to a regular Group Type.



Put in the desired values and save the new type.

For a detailed guide of how to setup a Dynamic Membership Group Type, please refer to the following page: How to Add a Dynamic Membership Group Type