Monthly Report

Under this sub-tab of Reports, you can display a monthly overview of every transaction which has occurred at the POS.

It allows you to send detailed reports to your accounting team and serves primarily as an overview to check your income on a monthly basis.

Display Options


You have several ways of narrowing down your selection, to get a “Sum - Σ” for specific criteria met.


You may Filter By:


  • Month - Choose a specific month

  • Customer - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specific customer

  • Agent - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specific agent

  • Product - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specific article

  • Product Category - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specific article category

  • Main Product Category - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specific main article category

  • User - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specified user (e.g. Who sold what?)

  • Include Cash Book? - If you want to include your cash book (or not), several options are available:
    - All
    - Register - Only show register-transactions
    - All POS Tickets - All POS-Tickets are shown.
    - POS: Direct Customer Funding (Without Invoice) - Shows you added funds of Customers without a created invoice (this is an option which can be adjusted under POS-Group)
    - POS: Tickets For Desposit - Shows POS-tickets with a deposit

  • Status - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specified POS-ticket status, you can choose:
    - Pending
    - Success
    - Revoked
    - Failed

  • On behalf - If you want to narrow down your selection to “on behalf of” or your own transactions

  • On behalf - The 2nd option lets you narrow down to a specific seller

  • Amount From and To - The price you want to filter by

  • Without Accounts Receivable - Show only direct payment-types and their associated POS-tickets

  • Text Search - Search for a specified text (this includes categories and articles)

  • Discounted - If ticked, only POS-tickets with a discount are shown

  • Discount Name - If you want to narrow down your selection to a specified discount name
    Note: You can not filter the name of price rules in the POS!

  • Transaction Type - Choose between “Goods Input/Output”

  • Ticket - Search for a specified ticket’s name

  • Status - Enables you to specifically filter deleted or not deleted POS-tickets


You may click on “Display Options” to minimize the search field options, after defining it.

You may also click on the lens-icon with a “plus” to search via a grid.




Once you have decided on which data you want to be shown, you can then proceed to check the actual transactions which have transpired.

You have an option to view the Sum for each (digital) Device, and in overall:



It will show you:


  • Date - The Date of this transaction

  • Category - It will list each day and a total sum of each category’s articles sold (Greenfees/Rentals/etc.)

  • Total Amount - A gross amount depending on whether you check Overview or an individual POS


You may proceed to click on this button to print an overview.



The Filter used is shown in the left upper corner, so you know how you filtered this unique report.


If you have too many categories shown, which will impact your report’s optic, you may shorten the name of the categories. Narrowing down your selection also helps immensely on this matter.