Member types

In this tab of Settings, you are shown a complete list of your available Member types and are given the option to change, delete and add a new membership.

Our system keeps track of:

  • Display Name (name of this membership type)

  • Golf Club (assigned Golf Club)

  • Default Position (what will be shown on the membership cards unless manually changed)

  • Total (number of customers who have this membership assigned)

  • Male/Female (number of customers being Male/Female)

  • Non-Active (Terminated memberships for instance)



Click on the green + button to add a new membership type. Press on the “Add”-button to create this new type.



The Seller can not be changed after creating the membership type!




We do not recommend deleting membership types. If assigned to your members, you will not be able to delete this entry - Instead, you always have the option to change its details, except for the Seller.