Seller List
This tab shows an overview of all your created Sellers and provides you with the option to adapt a Seller’s Address, update the Bank details, adjust number enumerations, etc.
Sellers are usually used to keep separate entities. E.G. to separate articles sold without tax (Golf Club) and the Ltd. of said Golf Club paying taxes for sold articles (Proshop-Products/Food&Beverages/etc.). They might also be required if multiple Business Units, with different Golfclubs and Sellers, are located within one GolfSuite.
Sellers are created during the onboarding-process. We strongly advice against creating new Sellers - They can not be correctly set up without the help of the Nexxchange Support-Team.
Please contact us if you require any changes.
You may perform the following actions under the main-tab Seller.
← Create:
← Edit:
Important to check/edit if necessary (→ Consult the Nexxchange-Team if you have questions about anything else):
Display Name - Name of the Seller
VAT Number - VAT Number of this Seller
Cancellation Conditions URL - If defined, is shown on the Nexxchange Marketplace while booking
← Delete:
We strongly advice against deleting a Seller. Even if you do not need the entity anymore - E.G. the Support-Team created a new Seller and set it up correctly - It is important, for transparency, to keep it.
Seller Information
Clicking on a Seller will show additional information.
Seller state
Under this sub-tab, you can find the following Information:
Last Reminder Number
Last Delivery Note Number
Fiscal Year - Important for the Invoice Number Enumeration
Customer Account Default Funding Article - The Article used to charge up Electronic Wallets
Invoice Number Enumeration - Generates a unique number according to our standard format
Credit Memo Number Enumeration
Cash Receipt Number Enumeration - For Cash Receipts.
Since each season may start and end at a different time, the Financial Year needs to be defined manually. You are in control of the current Fiscal Year.
Meaning, be sure to advance the year only if no additional invoice will be generated - Else, you will be stuck with an invoice number starting with 2023/XXX, but it is actually an invoice for 2022.
This could cause confusion, so it’s best to void invoices generated with the wrong year!
Please note, in case you keep a continued invoice number enumeration, no addition changes are necessary.
Changes made here are sensitive. Please be cautious or contact the Support-Team for assistance.
The Invoice Number Enumerator uses the current year as standard. Format is Java.
Payment method
Here are the methods listed, available for payments, for a specific Seller.
You may freely add a missing Payment Method (If already defined under Payment Methods) and assign it to this Seller by clicking on the green Plus-button, opening a new dialog window:
Payment Method - Search for an already existing Payment Method.
Direct Invoicing Payment Method - Allows adding Payment Method to be used when adding a payment to a specific invoice.
Account Number - You may assign an Account Number
Booking Symbol
Sort Index
← Click on this button to finish adding a Payment Method.
You can also Edit or Remove the Payment Method to an assigned Seller.
Bank details
Under this sub-tab, your bank details can be found. This is set up by the Nexxchange-Support Team, if you sent us your bank information.
You may check if the information is correctly noted.
The Creditor ID is important for SEPA - It is given out by your bank institute.
A Mandate Number Generator can be manually added, but usually, you will want them to be a specific format. Contact us in case you require assistance.
Template Assignment
Under this sub-tab, you can assign templates (layouts) used for printing.
← Click on this to add a new template:
Invoice format - Select the area for the template
Template - Search for the existing template
Default Template - Define this template as default for the chosen Invoice format
Seller Dunning Configuration
Under this sub-tab, you have the possibility to define fees for the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd reminder.
These can be used to define specific fees in existing templates.