Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

An elementary functionality of the GolfSuite is the billing of articles (collections), collective invoices and much more.

If you use the automated processes, these processes - with a clean configuration - can save you a lot of time.

Table of Contents

The menu

Image Removed

Overview / Invoice control

In the invoice overview, you have the usual search options for existing invoices. This includes the filter function Image Removed and the direct search in the table view (click below the column caption in the empty field and start the search with the Enter key).
More information about the filter function can be found under : General information#Filter function.

titleDisplaying the Status of Invoices

It is possible to save all filter criteria. For example, you can combine the status = open invoices/canceled invoices with the member type. More on this under General Information#Operators and General information#Filter function.

Image Removed

Edit Invoice Image Removed: Here you can remove the payment date, change/write a note and adjust the due date.

Image Removed

Send e-mail Image Removed: You can use the filter function to narrow down customers who are to be notified.
By clicking on theImage Removedbutton, a check is started to see which customers have stored an e-mail address / not stored an e-mail address.

titleCustomer selection for e-mail dispatch

Before sending the e-mails you have to filter the desired customers. If, for example, you are shown 10,000 customers and you trigger the Send e-mail function, an attempt is made to send an e-mail to all (!) 10,000 customers.
By selecting the customer, you do not exclude other customers either.

Print invoice Image Removed: As shown in the screenshot below, you have now the option to:

  • Select the desired template
  • Add text modules
  • Preview the invoice
  • Generate/print invoice

Print invoice
No changes are made to the invoice or the content itself. Here you can make changes or adjustments to the template.
e.g.: You generate an invoice for a friend of the club management and want to add a more personal text at the beginning of the invoice. A text module is required here.
This text module is a placeholder for the area where an additional text can be integrated. Text modules can be created under 'Template' and can be found under the placeholders:
(Path: Club management / Templates / Templates)

Image Removed

Voiding an invoice

You can use Image Removed to void the invoice. This is then highlighted in color (the cancellation date is also automatically recorded).

Image Removed

titleIs it possible to reverse canceled invoices?

A voided invoice cannot be reactivated according to policy and requires a reissue.

If an invoice has been selected, there is further structured information that is stored:

Items (contents of the invoices or the articles of the Invoice):

Image Removed


All activities for the invoice are recorded here. When it was created, printed, cancelled.

Image Removed

Payments/partial payments

Path: Billing CRM/ Invoices (please select the requested Invoice) / Payments

Image Removed

Under Image Removed you can add partial payments to existing invoices and record them, or settle them with the remaining amount.
In this case, the invoice is also automatically marked as paid.


Image Removed

The invoice in the table view now looks as follows (in this example, only a partial amount was entered for demonstration purposes - so the invoice is still open, so there is no payment date for the entire invoice).

Image Removed

If you need information about the partial payment, you can find it under the Image Removed:

Image Removed

  • After creating a partial payment you will always see the - currently - open total amount for the invoice under the column 'Amount'.
  • If you enter the remaining amount of an invoice with a partial payment, it will automatically be marked as paid.
titlefurther possibilities to mark the invoice as paid

Optionally, you can also mark the invoice as paid immediately. All you have to do is press the button Image Removed. This is again intended for irrecoverable payments, but has the same effect as the (partial) payment.

Yearly billing

Path: Invoices / Periodic billing / Billing categories / Billing category list

Image Removed


titleEffects of the billing category

All other articles that do not have a billing category or have a different billing category are not taken into account.

You can also store it for existing articles for which you have not yet made an entry in this respect. By simply editing the article, you can define the billing category. More on this under  ProductManagement-MerchandiseManagement-Productoverview/Editproduct

Edit annual accounts / templates


If you want to change the content of an invoice template of a member type, you can change it here.

Image Removed

Image Removed

If you would like to change the article price, please do so directly in the article management.
See also: ProductManagement-MerchandiseManagement-Productoverview/Editproduct

Annual accounts / Processes


The settlements (also called prescriptions) are divided into 3 main tasks:
Billing category, billing templates, and finally the billing process itself.

Fiscal year

Path. POS / Settings / Seller → choose the desired Seller → check the Seller State Tab

Image Removed

Here you have the option to adjust /change the Fiscal year manually as well as the reminder number and delivery note number.

titleChange of the fiscal year

Since the golf season usually does not last from 1.1. to 31.12. of the year, the new financial year must be activated manually so that the changeover takes place.

With the turn of the year, the billing date changeover does not happen automatically and is the responsibility of the golf club to change the billing date!

For example, if you close the club in October and open again in March, you can still generate invoices with the past Fiscal year. After you have created all the invoices for the past year, you can now "advance the fiscal year".

Please note that this process must be carried out per seller. (Each seller has its own seller state = fiscal year).

As soon as you "advance the fiscal year", the number generators will be reset. If this is not desired, you can "adjust" the last invoice number.

Billing categories


However, as soon as you enter a (already existing) billing category, all items with exactly this billing category are used and all other items are ignored

(Path: Invoices / Periodic billing / billing categories)

Image Removed

Image Removed

Settlement template (invoice template)


(Path: Club management / managed Golfclubs / Tab: Billing Templates ) - ATTENTION :You will need the authorization.

Depending on the ongoing year, you may have to adjust the "last billed per" date. The last day of the current year is automatically stored here.

Annual accounts - what you still have to do


Before this process is started, the following must be checked and ensured:

  • Fiscal year - Path. POS / Settings / Seller 
  • Content of the billing templates: e.g. prices and number of items correct?
  • Are your items assigned to the correct seller? e.g. for the splitting of Golfclub and Gmbh.
  • Payment method stored? (Mandatory field in the 'Invoice template' tab) This can be overwritten afterwards (when entering from the payment receipt)
  • Check the price rules for the articles. (Check individual prices like discounts etc)
  • Master data of the customer: Customer information must be kept up-to-date e.g. is an address stored as billing address? Are there any double entries? Spelling errors?
  • Other payment recipients: e.g. company address should be on the customer's invoice. Here an additional recipient must be deposited (this must be deposited with the invoice address. Exact procedure under this Link
  • Group settlements: Are there any activated? If yes, please check whether the billing is set (who pays for whom? Is the selection box with group billing activated?).
  • Last billing date: The last day for which the customer has already been billed is specified here (e.g. you want to bill for 2020 (if you only bill once a year), then you must enter 31.12.2019. 
  • For the individual positions, we again specify the 1st day for which the customer must pay (e.g. you want to bill for the year 2030 (if you only bill once a year), then you must specify 01.01.2030. Here the 'Last billed per' is automatically adjusted. With the individual positions also still the period and the number of the article are indicated.
  • If information such as salutation, name, address, postal code, country is missing, it will also be missing later on the invoices.
  • Period of articles correct? With 'Once' please pay attention to the expiration date! if this is not set, the article will be used again in the next invoice!
titleStored period for the articles to be settled

If you have entered 'once only' for your articles in the period, please check the expiration date (set automatically if you have already invoiced) before creating the invoice. Specified key date = expiration date).

This is a necessary specification so that the system remembers whether the respective article was already charged or not!

titleLet us help you with filters!

As soon as you start to filter - according to certain criteria - you make your task much easier.

For example, if you want to know which customers have an incorrect key date (key date does not apply = no invoice is created), you can display these customers immediately:

Image Removed

You can find more information about the existing functionalities in the filter function under General Information#Operators

If you are missing certain criteria/filters in your GolfSuite, please contact Nexxchange Support!

titleCan I have the templates created automatically? How can I do this myself?

Under Clubs - My Golfclub#Invoice Templates you will find a description of how to create the automated process (this is necessary once).

The individual invoices are initially only provided with items in which the current status of the customer is also stored (incorrect data such as salutation, address incorrect, lead to the fact that the invoice must now be issued again). Now you can use these settings to start generating the invoices. You trigger this directly in the invoice overview (= you are now finished in the Collective Invoices/Processes area).

Creating a yearly billing process

Path: Invoices / Periodic billing / Periodic billing process to check the already created yearly billing processes.

Image Removed

with the Image Removed you can create a new yearly billing process

Image Removed

→ Select a name for the billing process (e.g. yearly billing 2021) and a seller.
Paid till date is always the day on which everything must be settled for the advance year, so in our case the last day of the settlement year, 31. 12. 2021.
→ Select the business unit and the billing category (optional). However, check that the business unit is stored in your invoice templates (path: Invoices / Prescriptions / Templates). This must match! If it is stored there, it must also be selected here.
→ You must assign an invoice tag. You can select it from existing tags or create a new invoice tag.
→ Enter the invoice date and the due date.
→ Now save your entries.

After creating the process, you can see how far the billing process has progressed in the "Status" column. A billing process can have the following status: CREATED ON, RUNNING, PREVIEW CREATED, CANCELLED, FAILED, FINISHED.


Under the button Image Removedyou will always find detailed instructions in many areas of Nexxchange Suite, which explain the work steps in the area.

Now continue working from left to right:

1- Process status: show you the status of the process

Image Removed

2 Process step details - Here you can display a preview of the customers to whom an invoice is to be created. To do this, click on "generate billing process details".

Image Removed

Image Removed Image Removed

You have now the possibility to check or change the individual invoice templates, special agreements etc. (see screenshot below).

Click on Image Removedto display the items to be charged.

The possibility to filter by membership types makes it even easier for you to get an overview. If you have only selected a certain membership type, the invoices will be created for this type only.

Image Removed

As soon as you have checked or corrected everything, you can create the invoices by clicking on "generate invoices!"
A progress bar informs you about the progress of the action; a confirmation message informs you about the successful creation of the invoices (see screenshot below).

3 Generated invoices - The created invoices are displayed in the next tab.

In this screen you have the possibility to generate and print the invoices with the appropriate/desired template.

You can also manage the tags for the invoices in this screen.

If ALL invoices have been generated, you can now print them or send them by mail.

the PDF file with the invoices will be generated according to the overview order. this mean that If you have sorted the invoices by alphabet, the file will be generated with the invoices in an alphabet order.

Image Removed

Invoice Tags

To be able to use the invoice tags, the following must have happened so far:

  • Updating the dataset
  • Collective invoice process: completed

You can find detailed info under Customermanagement-CustomerTag

Templates - Overview (Attention, you need the authorisation for this)

As soon as you are under Clubs → Templates → Overview, you will see all available templates for the entire GolfSuite.

Edit Template

Here you can edit and adjust the formatting (similar to Word):

Apply Template


  • You select or filter according to the customers for whom you want to download this template or letter.
  • and go to Image Removed and select the name of your template.
  • You will be asked again whether the process was initiated intentionally by you.

Mailing of invoices



You have the option to send the invoices under your own email address. You can set this under:
Club management / Business structure → "Select seller" / Business unit → "Select business unit" (e.g. Club) click on edit and set the requested E-Mail in the field "Email Address for Invoices". (see screenshot).

Image Removed

Issue invoices


  • POS (if you have any questions, please refer to the document: POS - Kassa), which can also be found in the daily business (= daily reporting).
  • Create invoices in the "Backoffice" area (invoice template). Since this area is usually only used once a year and is often forgotten, we have recorded the overall concept in the following example.

As a short repetition:

  • A customer is selected via customer search
  • You are on the Invoice Template tab page.
  • With the button Create invoice template you now trigger the process to adjust the invoice template.
    (Specify article → Adjust key date/last billing date → Calculate)

Image Removed

titleWhy is the payment method mandatory?

To be able to deliver better data quality for future evaluations.

Invoice template and settings

Path:Select customer → Periodic Billing

After you have entered the payment method, the GolfSuite will check for you if a template has already been defined for the member type of the selected customer.
If you have any questions regarding Creating a Member Type or Templates, you will also see the document Clubs - My Golf Club#billing Templates.

In the screenshot below you can now see an example of what a sample configuration might look like.

Image Removed

There are 2 listing possibilities of the articles:

The individual positions and the template from the member type. You can see both in the example above.

The red bar should show again visually which settings have been made here.
On the side you will see a bar Image Removed which should make it clear to you that the template with the button Image Removedis no longer used.
Therefore the red bar has also moved to the middle (Content: Only templates above are invoiced).

You can leave the due date as it is and create an invoice immediately. However, to be able to create all invoices using the billing process, it is recommended that you set the next billing date to the first day of the year to be paid.

Image Removed


Under the button Image Removedyou will always find detailed instructions in many areas of Nexxchange Suite, which explain the work steps in the area.

Paid till date: Specifies when the elements specified for the invoice are due. This is the most important date, as it decides which articles must be invoiced effectively by both the general and the individual template.
Invoice date: Invoice date of the generated invoice.
invoice due: Due date of the generated invoice.
Billing category: If a billing category is specified, the general billing templates and the articles of the individual billing template are restricted to the specified billing category.

titleBilling category without specification

If you do not make an entry (the Payroll category field remains empty), ALL payroll categories are used. As if no payroll categories had been stored at all.

In the tab Image Removedyou can now see the created invoice:

Image Removed

Overwrite invoices

It happens again and again, for example, that invoices are created in the annual specifications whose content is incorrect due to incorrect entries.
We have documented this frequently asked question for you step by step:

A wrong invoice was created for the customer. How can I issue an invoice again?
We recommend that you first cancel the old invoice (under the Invoice file card) with the button Image Removed.

There are 2 possibilities (under the Periodic billing tab):

Image Removed

  • If you have an individual item, you have to specify the due date with the 1st day of the year for which you want to settle the invoice Image Removed(e.g.: enter the prescribed value for 2050 = 01.01.2050).
  • If you have an invoice template, you have to adjust it with Image Removed and than Image Removedto the last year (this specification is the 'last' settlement date, for example, enter a presetting for 2090 = 31.12.2089).

Individual discounts

You can define the individual discount independently of the individual item or item on the member template.
This function is underlayed by Image Removed. You can find this symbol in every item stored for the customer under Invoice Template.

Image Removed

Enter the desired discount here. For this you have 3 possibilities:

Item price: No matter what list price you have entered for this article, the information you enter here is the price used for billing.
Discount in %: Here you indicate how much % discount is granted on this article. You must make the specification by 100 (e.g.: 50% = 0.5).
Discount here: Here you enter the absolute amount that is deducted from the list price.

In addition, you can specify the validity period of the entries (Active from, Active to).

titleActive from...

Active from: Active from: This information must be further in the past than the day on which you want to issue the periodic billing /invoice.
Active to: This information must be further in the future than the day on which you want to issue the periodic billing /invoice.

titleCalculate discount price

This is used when you want to change the item price and also discount it.

e.g. Price of the article is 1.500 €.
You have changed this via the function price rule → item price to 750 €.
If you now want to apply another discount (discount pct in %), you can decide here whether the price should be the original price (in this example 1.500 €), or the adjusted price from you (in this example 750 €).
We apply in our example 50% discount (notation 0.5). The effect now looks like this:

If "Calculate discount item price" is not set - calculation: 1.500 € / - (50%) = 750 € discount = item price: 750 €.
If "Calculate discount price" is set - calculation: 750 € / -10% = 75 € discount = item price: 675 €

The discount on the article is visualized by the price in bold font.

Image Removed

By opening the article Image Removed you can see all detailed information:

Image Removed

Export of invoice line items

Path. Invoices - Billing CRM - Invoices list → Invoice line items

Summary of the function:

As a supplement to the daily solution, it is possible to export individual items (articles) that have been invoiced.

First we put together the fields you want to export in the export configuration. Explanations to the export configuration can be found under Clubs - my Golfclub#ExportConfiguration.


Please note that the 'Invoice items' area is selected in the export configuration so that the configuration is suggested to you at the correct place during the export process.

Should you - as described under Clubs - not have access to my Golfclub#ExportConfiguration in this area, please contact Nexxchange Support.

After defining which fields you want to export, you have to filter the desired articles in the invoice overview (e.g. filter by article category X,Y +Z etc.).

Before you start exporting, you can also sort the order (alphabetically) from A-Z or vice versa.

With the filter option you can easily arrange the articles you want to export.

Example for the function:

E.g. you want to export all sold articles with the unit price between 50€ and 1500€ (This is only an example. You can add further criteria):

Step 1 - Enter filter settings viaImage Removed (Enter all criteria here):

Image Removed

Step 2 - Save filter (if you want to use these criteria again and again)

Image Removed

Step 3 - Select the desired filter (if you have just set the filter settings, they will be applied automatically):

Image Removed

Before you start the data export, you have to set the desired export configurations in advance (if you have the authorisation!), path: Club management / Export configuration (see screenshots below).

Image Removed

Image Removed

Step 4 - After you have defined all criteria for the export and its presentation, you can start exporting the desired articles:

Here you can select the format in which the file will be downloaded (PDF, XLS, etc...).

Image Removed

Now you can open the file and (if necessary) make changes/adjustments in Exel.

Different to the tools you have in your program you can (as shown below) calculate amounts:

Image Removed

Accounting export (BMD, DATEV, SAFT)

Path: Invoices - Accounting export

titleCharts of accounts

Please note that the charts of accounts (accounting references) must be obtained from or agreed with your accountant

You can create the accounting export 1 time per seller.

Image Removed

Assign accounting references:

"Product Main Category Assignments" By selecting a main category, you assign a booking reference to all articles that are in the main category:

Image Removed

If it is desired, you can select the option for "set all main categories" with the checkbox.

Product category assignment: Is hierarchically one level below the main category and is therefore closer to the article.

Image Removed

If both assignments (main category + product category) are stored for the seller, the one from the product category would apply to the product.

Accounting export configuration

The first step you need to take is to create a customer number generator, according to the chart of accounts of your accountant.

Path: General administration - Administration tables - Number generators

Image Removed

After you have created the number generator, you can start the configuration.

Image Removed

To the individual buttons (see screenshot above).

Accounting configuration: be aware that either you use the customer number generator or the default personal account numbers.

The customer number generator assigns an independent number to each customer.
The default person account numbers assigns the same number for all persons.

Image Removed

Generate personal accounts: All customers must have a personal account stored.
As soon as you enter new members/guests in your customer database, you must generate the personal accounts again before the Transactions export.

Image Removed

Activate automated export → here you have the possibility to automate the export.

Image Removed

Export personal accounts, export type: BMD, DATEV, SAFT

Image Removed

Export Transactions

Image Removed

titleAmounts on export

Receipt: Amounts are always positive - VAT always negative

Reversal: Amounts always negative - VAT always positive

SEPA reconciliation

Meanwhile, all banks provide their customers with the standardized SEPA payment medium format in XML format (specifically the CAMT 054 return data medium file).

For more information on how to obtain these files, please contact your bank.

You can use this data to automatically reconcile and manage your incoming payments yourself.

Path: Invoices → reconciliation

First you go to Image Removed and indicate where the file is located. Then you go to Image Removed to choose the file type (CAMT53 or CAMT54) and now you go to Image Removed, and the file provided by your bank will be displayed.

titleNumber of services displayed

Depending on the type and design of the file, Nexxchange also displays it. In the following example, see below, a service reference has been stored individually for each day.

The status also shows you visually over the entire process whether the process was completed or not:

Image Removed

You trigger the assignment of the uploaded file - to the invoices in your system - by clicking on Image Removed. This causes the desired automatic assignment to the invoices.

In addition, a detailed list is displayed for the selected service reference (see screenshot above), in which you can see why an invoice could not be assigned, for example, under the Information column.

titleWhat happens after the automatic adjustment?

Here, the invoice is marked as paid on the basis of the payment reference and the exact match of the amount in your system. In addition, you receive a list of invoices as to why they could not be assigned.

Image Removed

Here you have to assign or edit these manually:
Select the required row with the transaction number and choose the invoice to which the payment belongs in the lower area.


If your customers have specified the correct payment reference for their inpayments/bank transfers, you can use the payment reference and the amount to carry out the comparison automatically.

The system then shows you all the entries that could not be assigned automatically (in this case, a manual comparison is not spared, for example, incorrect payment reference, different amount, and so on).

As soon as you have the respective file on your computer (downloaded from online banking for business customers, by e-mail from your bank manager, etc.), you can upload it to your GolfSuite and trigger the comparison.


With our "SEPA PAY function" you can print your invoices with an "EPC QR code" as shown in the screenshot below. When you scan the QR code with your online banking app, your members / customers can pay the invoice directly. This feature can simplify the billing and payment process for your members / customers.

Image Removed

If you would like to use the "SEPA PAY function", please contact us at and we will help you set up the function. The "SEPA PAY function" is especially helpful for your annual billing.

SEPA transactions

Path: Invoices → Debit mandates


First you define a payment method (if not already available - see POS - cash desk #Payment methods) of TYPUS (Fiscal Payment Kind) SEPA, which you assign to your seller:

Image Removed

Image Removed

Then deposit your bank details with your seller:

Image Removed

Then create the bank details for your customer (in the appendix just below the SEPA Mandate)

Path. Customers & CRM→ Select a customer → Bank details

Image Removed

Then switch to the "Invoice template" tab and define which articles are to be debited via SEPA.
First select an article & here you enter the withdrawal ID (SEPA withdrawal):

Image Removed


titleHow does the period affect you?

According to your specification, the transaction(s) are now created here. In the example above, we have the following initial situation on the invoice template:








OGV Abgabe






WGV Abgabe

Full Membershio







By specifying (see figure below) "Period: Monthly" for the article Full Membership, the transaction is divided into 12 payments (yearly : month = 12 instalments).

By specifying "every year", the selection option for Add SEPA Mandate is limited to "Oncea year" (period for SEPA Mandate must be < less than or equal to > the period of the position on the template).

Image Removed

After you have created the invoice (for questions, see Backoffice - Issue invoices), the SEPA transactions are created (path: Invoices → Debit mandates):

Image Removed

Now filter/export according to the positions you want to send to the bank so that the debit process can be initiated effectively.

You have several possibilities to filter the positions. The simplest or most convenient way will be to search for "this month due".

This is a "criterion" that you can use via the filter function:

Image Removed

You can save them and use them again and again:

Image Removed


Image Removed

Image RemovedExport of a single transaction

Image RemovedMark as rejected

Image Removed 

Image Removed

Invoice template and settings

Select path. Customers Invoice template Select customer → Invoice template


In the appendix you can now see an example of what a sample configuration might look like.

Image Removed

There are 2 listing possibilities of the articles:

The individual positions and the template from the member type. You can see both in the example above.

The red bar should show again visually which settings have been made here.
On the side you will see a bar Image Removed which should make it clear to you that the template with the button Image Removedis no longer used.
Therefore the red bar has also moved to the middle (Content: Only the templates up to this point are charged).

You can leave the due date as it is and create an invoice immediately. However, to be able to create all invoices using the billing process, it is recommended that you set the due date to 01.01.2015 (in this example).

Image Removed

Key date: Specifies when the elements specified for the invoice are due. This is the most important date, as it decides which articles must be invoiced effectively by both the general and the individual template.
Invoice date: Invoice date of the generated invoice.
Due date: Due date of the generated invoice.
Billing category: If a billing category is specified, the general billing templates and the articles of the individual billing template are restricted to the specified billing category.

In the index card Image Removed you can now see the created invoice:

Image Removed

Overwrite invoices

It happens again and again, for example, that invoices are created in the annual specifications whose content is incorrect due to incorrect entries.
We have documented this frequently asked question for you step by step:

A wrong invoice was created for the customer. How can I issue an invoice again?
We recommend that you first cancel the old invoice (under the Invoice file card) with the button Image Removed.

There are now 2 possibilities:

  • If you have an individual item, you have to specify the due date with the 1st day of the year for which you want to settle the invoice Image Removed(e.g.: enter the prescribed value for 2050 = 01.01.2050).
  • If you have an invoice template, you have to adjust it Image Removed to the last year Image Removed(this specification is the 'last' settlement date, for example, enter a presetting for 2090 = 31.12.2089).

Image Removed

Why do I have to change the invoice to the last year?

If the data quality is consistent, you will, for example, be able to change the accounting period at any time without any problems.

For example, how invoices are generated if the data is not consistent:

The following information was given in this example when creating the invoice:

Image Removed

The data given above have the following effects on the test customers listed below (please note that the customers have different settings):


Test customer 1


Individual discounts

You can define the individual discount independently of the individual item or item on the member template.
This function is underlayed by Image Removed. You can find this symbol in every item stored for the customer under Invoice Template.

Image Removed

Enter the desired discount here. For this you have 3 possibilities:

Item price: No matter what list price you have entered for this article, the information you enter here is the price used for billing.
Discount in %: Here you indicate how much % discount is granted on this article. You must make the specification by 100 (e.g.: 50% = 0.5).
Discount here: Here you enter the absolute amount that is deducted from the list price.

In addition, you can specify the validity period of the entries (Active from, Active to).

titleActive from...

Active from: Active from: This information must be further in the past than the day on which you want to issue the periodic billing /invoice.
Active to: This information must be further in the future than the day on which you want to issue the periodic billing /invoice.

titleCalculate discount price

e.g. Price of the article is 1.300 €.
You have changed this via the function price rule → item price to 650 €.
If you now want to apply another discount (discount pct in %), you can decide here whether the price should be the original price (in this example 1.300 €), or the adjusted price from you (in this example 650 €).
We apply in our example 50% discount (notation 0.5). The effect now looks like this:

If "Calculate discount item price" not set - calculation: 1.300 € / - (50%) = 650 € discount = item price: 650 €.
If "Calculate discount price" set - calculation: 650 € / -10% = 65 € discount = item price: 585 €

The discount on the article is visualized by the price in bold font.

Image Removed

By opening the article Image Removed you can see all detailed information:
Image Removed

Export of invoice items with individual design

Path. Invoices Overview Invoice elements Invoices → Overview → Invoice elements

Summary of the function:

As a supplement to the daily solution, it is possible to export individual items (articles) that have been invoiced.

First we put together the fields you want to export in the export configuration. Explanations to the export configuration can be found under Clubs - my Golfclub#ExportConfiguration.


Please note that the 'Invoice items' area is selected in the export configuration so that the configuration is suggested to you at the correct place during the export process.

Should you - as described under Clubs - not have access to my Golfclub#ExportConfiguration in this area, please contact Nexxchange Support.

After defining which fields you want to export, you have to filter the desired articles in the invoice overview (e.g. filter by article category X,Y +Z etc.).

Before you start exporting, you can also sort the order (alphabetically) from A-Z or vice versa.

With the filter option you can easily arrange the articles you want to export.

Example for the function:

E.g. you want to export all sold articles with the unit price between 100€ and 500€ (This is only an example. You can add further criteria):

Step 1 - Enter filter settings Image Removed via : (Enter all criteria here):

Image Removed

Step 2 - Save filter (if you want to use these criteria again and again)

Image Removed

Step 3 - Select the desired filter (if you have just set the filter settings, they will be applied automatically):

Image Removed

Step 4 - After you have defined all criteria for the export and its presentation, you can start exporting the desired articles:

Here you can select the format in which the file will be downloaded (PDF, XLS, etc...).

Image Removed

Now you can open the file and (if necessary) make changes/adjustments in Exel.

Different to the tools you have in your program you can (as shown below) calculate amounts:

Image Removed

SEPA transactions

Path. invoices SEPA transactions Invoices → SEPA transactions


First you define a payment method (if not already available - see POS - Kassa#Kassa-Zahlungsarten) of TYPUS (Fiscal Payment Kind) SEPA, which you assign to your seller:

Image Removed

Image Removed

Then deposit your bank details with your seller:

Image Removed

Then create the bank details for your customer (in the appendix just below the SEPA Mandate)

Path. Customer overview Selected customer Bank accounts Customer overview → Selected customer → Bank accounts

Image Removed

Then switch to the "Invoice template" tab and define which articles are to be debited via SEPA.
First select an article:

Image Removed

Here you enter the mandate ID (SEPA mandate):


titleHow does the period affect you?

According to your specification, the transaction(s) are now created here. In the example above, we have the following initial situation on the invoice template:


By specifying (see figure below) "Period: Monthly" for the article National association fee, the transaction is divided into 12 payments (yearly : month = 12 instalments).

By specifying "Period Once", the selection option for Add SEPA Mandate is limited to "Once" (period for SEPA Mandate must be < less than or equal to > the period of the position on the template).

Image Removed

After you have created the invoice (for questions, see Backoffice Invoicing), the SEPA transactions are created (path: Invoices → SEPA Transactions):

Image Removed

Now filter/export according to the positions you want to send to the bank so that the debit process can be initiated effectively.


This is a "criterion" that you can use via the filter function:

Image Removed

You can save them and use them again and again:

Image Removed


Image Removed Open filter criteria

Image Removed Discard active filter

Image Removed mark as rejected:

Image Removed

Image RemovedExport of the individual transaction

titleValue date?

If the work order that is passed on to the bank is actually to be debited. The due dates recorded in the system can now be reflected with this transaction.

Image Removed

Image Removeddefine Manual Incoming Payments:

Image Removed

SEPA Transactions - Export

After you have filtered together the correct transactions, you can use the button Image Removed to export all displayed (filtered) transactions.

Here you will be asked to enter the value date.

titleValue date?

If the work order that is passed on to the bank is actually to be debited. The due dates recorded in the system can now be reflected with this transaction.

titleNote for exports already made

You can trigger the export as often as you want. To avoid confusion, the system informs you that you have already used the export process (if you have done so).

Image RemovedAn elementary functionality of your GolfSuite is managing, creating and voiding invoices. 

Table of Contents

Invoices List

In the invoice overview, you have the usual search options for existing invoices. This includes the filter function Image Added and the direct search in the table view (click below the column caption in the empty field and start the search with the Enter key).

titleDisplaying the Status of Invoices

It is possible to save multiple filter criteria. For example, you can combine the status = open invoices/canceled invoices with the member type.

Image Added


All invoices generated for your customer are listed here. These range from annual membership fees and greenfees to individual invoices with set price rules, SEPA-transactions or even Pro Shop articles paid.

Image Added

  • If you press on the Image Added- orImage Added-Button, you will have the option to send emails with the filtered invoices. You may insert Templates, Placeholders, define a Subject, set a CC, add attachments and format your Email.

Image Added

  • If you press on the Image Added-button, a drop-down menu will open. There, you will have the option to choose from your templates defined to be sent by letters (like payment reminder or a seller dunning). You may then print the new invoice with the letter-layout.

Image Added

  • If you press on the Image Added-Button, you will pair the selected invoices with a defined template. You do not have to generate each invoice separately. Use our filters to generate selected invoices with one simple click on Image Added.

Image Added

  • If you press on the Image Added-button, you may add or remove tags from your selected invoices.

Invoices - Actions

You may choose to perform several actions unter the tab Invoices. Here is a small (grid-)overview about the tools at your disposal.

EditSend per EmailGenerate InvoiceSettleVoidCreate POS Ticket

Image Added

Image Added

Image AddedImage Added

Image Added

Image Added

Image Added

Set the Due date, Pmt. date or add a Remark.Send the invoice per Email after generating it using the Generate Invoice button.Generate an invoice and pair it with a template. You may preview the invoice. Blue = is generated.Settle an invoice using the back-officeVoid an invoice or mark it as not collectible. Be sure to Refund any amount payed in advance.Create a POS-Ticket for this invoice, paying or refunding an amount you specify at the POS.

Image Added

Here you can remove the payment date, change/write a Remark and adjust the due date.


Image Added

Image Added / Image Added

As shown in the screenshot below, you have now the option to:

  • Select the desired template
  • Add text modules
  • Preview the invoice
  • Generate/print invoice

No changes are made to the invoice or the content itself. Here you can make changes or adjustments to the template.

E.g.: You generate an invoice for a friend of the club management and want to add a more personal text at the beginning of the invoice. A text module is required here.
This text module is a placeholder for the area where an additional text can be integrated. Text modules can be created under 'Template' and can be found under the placeholders:
(Path: Club management / Templates / Templates)

Image Added

Image Added / Image Added

Pressing on the Image Added-button next to a customer will send an E-Mail, including the corresponding invoice as an attachment, to your customer.

If you press on the Image Added-button, you will have the option to send E-Mails to the customers of the filtered invoices, adding the invoice as an attachment.

You may insert Templates, Placeholders, define a Subject, set a CC, add attachments and format your E-Mail.

Image Added

titleAdding a CC Recipient

You may only send a CC to one additional recipient.

titleSending an Invoice via E-Mail

In case you use the option to send multiple invoices via E-Mail, the system will tell you how many E-Mails will be send. If a customer has no E-Mail defined under Customers & CRM Communication Channels, the system will automatically skip this invoice.

Before you can send invoice as an E-Mail, you have to make sure the Image Added-button is blue. This means that an invoice has a layout assigned to it, so it may be sent.

This needs to be the case for all invoices you want to send via E-Mail.

This is not the case if you want to print a Letter, using theImage Added-button, since it overrides the layout of the invoice - Thus, it does not require one prior to its generation.

Image Added

This can be used to void an invoice or mark it as unobtainable. Always add a Remark as a reason for your accounting co-workers so they know why this has been done.

Image Added

You have the option to choose between either:

  • Void (e.g. invoices with the wrong price/date/etc.)
  • Not Collectible

titleVoid and Not Collectible

If marked as void, the invoice will be voided.

Not Collectible is an option you may choose if an invoice is laid out and part of it paid, but the rest of the outstanding amount will not be collected, due to illness/emigration/etc.

Image Added

Send a ticket towards the point of sale (POS), opening a new ticket connected to this invoice.

Image Added

Image Added

Settle an invoice by clicking on this button, opening a new dialog window.

Image Added

titleBack-Office Invoices

A Back-Office settled invoice can be voided at any time, but will be hard to track if done so. Please double check when adding payments or creating invoices, as to avoid confusion and keep the Financial Reports clean.

Data Export

Pressing the Image Added-button will open a new dialog window called "Data Export". These can be modified to suit your needs. This tab is found under Club management > Export configuration.

Image Added

You may choose one of the following formats:

  • PDF
  • XLS
  • ODS
  • CSV
  • XML

If you need to edit or merge 2 data exports, we always recommend to use the .xls-format. This allows you to freely merge different configurations to create your desired result.

After you click on an invoice, the Billing Info will synchronize with your selected invoice, looking like this:

Image Added

Clicking on the blue Image Added-button next to a specific product lets you settle it separately. This is the same window which opens up in the invoice-menu, but only settles 1 product. Useful if an invoice-item needs to be settled specifically for various purposes.

The tabs other than Invoice Items you will find in here are:

  • History log: Shows you the history/changes/adjustments done with this invoice.
  • Payments: Pressing the green Image Added-button opens the same window as if you were pressing on the Image Added-button under Invoice Items. Any payment done is shown under Financial Reports.
  • Cash Receipt: If an Invoice was settled or a part of it was settled using the POS, POS-Tickets linked to this invoice, with the appropriate details, will be displayed here.
  • Collective Invoices: If this is a collected invoice, a single invoice will be displayed. Currently this tab is primarily used for Agents, which usually receive monthly, collective invoices consisting out of multiple single invoices.
  • Debit mandate: If a SEPA direct mandate has been established for this invoice, its individual fees + mandate will be listed here.
  • Invoice Tags: An overview of the Invoice Tags assigned to this Invoice or use the Image Added-button to manually add a tag.


If you want to settle invoices (for instance, you received a bank transaction), please do so under your selected invoice → Payments to avoid mistakes. This is the correct and easiest way to settle an invoice so it will be shown in the Financial report, without sending it to the POS (Point of Sale).

Invoice - Payments & Settling an Invoice (without sending it to the POS)

Image Added

After selecting an invoice, navigate to the sub-tab "Payments", as shown in the Screenshot, and press on theImage Added-button to open a new dialog window.

 Image Added

Put in a corresponding amount and a Payment Method to be able to press the Image Added-button. Everything else is optional.

Reminder: Periodic Billing

A quick reminder about Periodic Billing, also viewable here → Customers & CRM Periodic Billing

Under this tab, you can assign and manage the periodic billing templates of a customer. There are several options at your disposal to change your view and take actions.

Image Added

Under "Billing for the customer Mustermann Maxi", you can change the Payment Method (which will be shown under invoices). Trying to change something will show you 4 buttons.

Image Added: Revert any change without saving it.

Image Added: Update the changes, saving them.

Image Added: Remove the billing template of this customer. If you do so, you may click the Image Added-button to create a new billing template.

Image Added / Image Added: This button opens a new dialog window. If greyed out, there are no products to create an invoice with.

titlePayment Method

The Payment Method will be shown under Invoices, but does not define nor restrict how you can settle the invoice. Changing the Payment Method helps to order and set up invoices.

Clicking on the Image Added-button will simplify the Billing Template Rule overview, clicking on theImage Added-button will minimize this overview.

Individual Articles

Clicking on the Image Added-button will open a new window:

Image Added

The customer Template can not be changed. You can define:

  • a Product (= Article)
  • a Business Unit (if you have more than one, you may set the specific unit)
  • the Quantity (obligatory)
  • the Period (very important for one-time offers)
  • Next payment due (necessary to create invoices)
  • Expiration Date
  • Billing Category (useful for the invoice creation)
  • Description
  • Storage Location
  • Memo

Clicking on the Image Added-button will open a new window:

Image Added

The "Customer Template" can not be changed. You can define:

  • Product collection (= Article Collection, for instance a starter pack)
  • Business Unit (if you have more than one, you may set the specific unit)#
  • Qty. (=Quantity)
  • Period (very important for one-time offers)
  • Next Payment due (necessary to create invoices)
  • Expiration Date
  • Billing Category (useful for the invoice creation)
  • Description
  • Storage Location
  • Memo

After adding an individual article, you will be given 4 options for every individual article:

Image Added: Edit - This re-opens the same dialog window as if you were adding a new product/product collection

Image Added: Delete - Delete one individual article.

Image Added: Add Price Rules - Define a Price Rule.

Image Added

Image Added: SEPA withdrawal - Mark an article to be payed with a SEPA-mandate.

Image Added


To export the SEPA-Transactions in your Golfsuite (Debit mandates), then download the .xml-file for Online-Banking, you have to add the Bank Information correct and complete.

Else you will be notified of an error when trying to Export transactions for customers with lacking Bank information. Adjusting Bank details can be done anytime under 558202920 of the specific customer.

titleIndividual articles

Individual articles can be adjusted to suit your golf club's accounting needs. For instance, a player wants to pay with SEPA, but only half of the price. This can be done by adding the specific article, setting the Period to monthly and add a price rule (1/24th of the article price).

Afterwards, pressing on the Image Added-button, define the Period to Monthly and click on Image Added-button. This will generate 12 Mandate Transactions, but only with half the price - which will be billed each month.

Automated Billing Templates and Process Billing

These are generated once you assign a membership and articles are defined for a billing template (Golfclub > Managed Golfclubs > Billing templates). Unless you specify to not adjust the billing template when creating the membership, it will look similar to our example.

Image Added

Pressing the Image Added-button will show you a more detailed overview of this specific article. You will only have the option to add a price rule or apply a SEPA withdrawal with set billing templates linked to your membership.

titlePrice Rules and Period

If a member has been ill and only needs to pay half, but wants to do this monthly, you have to adjust the price and also the period.

The period can not be changed for a set invoice position, here because the Period is defined under Golfclub > Managed Golfclubs > Billing templates.

You have to add an individual article in which you define the desired period and adjust the monthly fee accordingly.

If you press the Image Added-button, the billing template will move below the red line, which will not be invoiced. To revert this, click the Image Added-button and set the period to the previous year's 31st of December (if the article is charged every year) or any desired date (depending on your defined Period).

Image Added

After you have made the settings and adjusted the template's positions, you can create an automated transaction for the annual accounts. This is also referred to as collective invoice/annual prescription.

Detailed information can be found under: Invoices - Backoffice - Annual Accounts/Processes

Creating an invoice using a billing template

If you get a new member, you will have to generate a single invoice for this member. To do this, press on the Image Added -button. This will open a new dialog window.

Be sure to check the following things in advance:

  • Description (and the article itself it is referring to via theImage Added-button)
  • Quantity
  • Period
  • Price
  • Paid till
  • Next billing
  • Billing Category (if needed)

Image Added

In this example, we wanted to create an invoice with a specified price rule of 84€, for July. The Period is set to Monthly. The Next billing should be in August.

The overview has been simplified using the Image Added-button.

Image Added

Taking a look at this example, we can see that we successfully created an invoice with 84€. But what does the Next billing say? At which date is the next payment overdue?

Image Added

It correctly displays the Next billing period starting with the date of 2022-08-01, meaning we were able to create a monthly invoice with a price rule, with the next overdue payment starting in August.

We can now create more invoices until the end of the year for each month, or create one invoice every month.

The Invoice Due date should also be adjusted for each invoice (2 weeks or a similar timespan are standard).

Individual discounts

You can define the individual discount independently of the individual item or item on the member template.

This function is underlayed by Image Added. You can find this symbol in every item stored for the customer under Invoice Template.

Image Added

Enter the desired discount here. For this you have 3 possibilities:

Item price: No matter what list price you have entered for this article, the information you enter here is the price used for billing.
Discount in %: Here you indicate how much % discount is granted on this article. You must make the specification by 100 (e.g.: 50% = 0.5).
Discount here: Here you enter the absolute amount that is deducted from the list price.

In addition, you can specify the validity period of the entries (Active from, Active to).

titleActive from...

Active from: This information must be further in the past than the day on which you want to issue the periodic billing /invoice.
Active to: This information must be further in the future than the day on which you want to issue the periodic billing /invoice.

titleCalculate discount price

This is used when you want to change the item price and apply a discount.

e.g. Price of the article is 1.500 €.

You have changed this via the function price rule → item price to 750 €.
If you want to apply another discount (discount percentage in %), you can decide here whether the price should be the original price (in this example 1.500 €), or the already adjusted price base (in this example 750 €).
We apply in our example 50% discount (notation 0.5). The effect now looks like this:

If "Calculate discount item price" is not set - calculation: 1.500 € / - (50% of 1.500€) = 750 € discount = item price: 750 €.
If "Calculate discount price" is set - calculation: 750 € / -10% = 75 € discount = item price: 675 €.

The discount on the article is visualized by the price in bold font.

Image Added

By opening the article Image Added you can see all the detailed information:

Image Added

Invoice Line items

Path. Invoices - Billing CRM - Invoices list → Invoice line items

This sub-tab shows you every single "position" sold separately. Meaning, each article sold is listed separately.

Summary of the function

As a supplement to the daily solution, it is possible to export individual items (articles) that have been invoiced.

First we put together the fields you want to export in the export configuration. Explanations to the export configuration can be found under Clubs - my Golfclub#ExportConfiguration.


Please note that the 'Invoice items' area is selected in the export configuration so that the configuration is suggested to you at the correct place during the export process.

After defining which fields you want to export, you have to filter the desired articles in the invoice overview (e.g. filter by article category X,Y +Z etc.).

Before you start exporting, you can also sort the order (alphabetically) from A-Z or vice versa.

With the filter option you can easily arrange the articles you want to export.

Example for the function

E.g. you want to export all sold articles with the unit price between 50€ and 1500€ (This is only an example. You can add further criteria):

Step 1 - Enter filter settings viaImage Added (Enter all criteria here):

Image Added

Step 2 - Save filter (if you want to use these criteria again and again)

Image Added

Step 3 - Select the desired filter (if you have just set the filter settings, they will be applied automatically):

Image Added

Before you start the data export, you have to set the desired export configurations in advance (if you have the authorization!), path: Club management / Export configuration (see screenshots below).

Image Added

Image Added

Step 4 - After you have defined all criteria for the export and its presentation, you can start exporting the desired articles:

Here you can select the format in which the file will be downloaded (PDF, XLS, etc...).

Image Added

Now you can open the file and (if necessary) make changes/adjustments.


Image Added

This sub-tab shows you each payment received for every generated invoice about back-office invoices (which are usually memberships). #

It shows you:

  • Invoice Number
  • Pos Ticket (if existing)
  • Date
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Payment Method (used)
  • Reference (if defined)
  • Payment Reference (if defined)
  • Status (All/Pending/Success/Revoked/Failed, which you may choose from when adding a payment)
  • Seller
  • Referencing Invoice Item (if a specific Item was marked)
  • Customer
  • Membership type (Active)

You may also create an export-configuration for this:

Image Added


With our "SEPA PAY function" you can print your invoices with an "EPC QR code" as shown in the screenshot below. When you scan the QR code with your online banking app, your members / customers can pay the invoice directly. This feature can simplify the billing and payment process for your members / customers.

Image Added

If you would like to use the "SEPA PAY function", please contact us at and we will help you set up the function. The "SEPA PAY function" is especially helpful for your annual billing.

titleEditing or creating new templates

The Support-Team of Nexxchange gladly helps you to change or create new invoice-templates, in case you need a specific styling or layout.

For instance, we can add this QR-Code to existing invoice-templates or create a new template.

For small and quick changes (edit a sentence, change a number, insert an additional placeholder without changing the layout), we can usually do this very quickly and without any issues.

Please let us know if you require any changes.