In this Tab of your GolfSuite you can create, manage and edit Information for internal usage or publish them on the Nexxchange Marketplace (and for the Tee Times shown at the ÖGV for our Austrian customers, if you decide to use our Tee Time calendar) in order to notify Members and Day Guests alike.
Maybe you want to inform them about upcoming specials, weather conditions, upcoming events or perhaps when the next aerification process is currently scheduled - including a discount on booked Greenfees.
It is possible to inform the Customer under the specified Domain and also during the Domain’s booking process - and even to show the Information next to the Flight’s start time.
In order to customize which Informations are shown in which Domain and when they are supposed to be visible, we will explain all the possibilities you have in the following sections.
The overview will show the following details about each Information (which has not been deleted).
The following Information will be shown (and explained in detail in the following section):
Information Text
Publish From / To
Internal Information
Booking Information
Golf Course Site
Managed Golf Club
Create, manage and edit new Informations
You can perform the following actions by clicking on the specified icons:
→ Show an info about this Information
→ Edit an existing Information
→ Copy an existing Information’s values
e.g. you want to copy an Information about the future weather conditions but for a different timeframe
-> copy the original Information and only change the date and time→ Delete an existing Information
→ Create a new Information
When you create a new Information, you have the following options available to define:
Business Unit - the Business Unit this Information is shown in (can be left empty)
Domain - the Domain this Information is shown in, you can choose between multiple Domains:
- Tee Sheet Overview → Also shown in the GolfSuite
- Tournament Overview → Only shown online (please check the following section for further details)
- Rental Overview → Only shown online
- Events Overview → Only shown online
- General Information → Only shown online
- Members Information → Only shown onlineTitle - the headline of the Information
Information Text - additional Information displayed below the Title (headline)
- Currently not shown in the GolfSuite but on the Nexxchange Marketplace ( From / To - during which timespan the Information should be displayed
From / Till time - during which timeframe the Information is displayed (e.g. Early Bird special Information from 6:00 am till 8:00 am)
Golf Course Site - in case you manage multiple courses, you can specify the course in which the Information is displayed
- not always possible, e.g. for Member InformationInformation Color - the color of the Information shown in the GolfSuite
- This has no effect on the Nexxchange MarketplaceInternal Information - to notify your colleagues about important events or current issue
- If ticked, these are not shown online and are only eligible to be shown in your GolfSuite.Booking Information - if ticked, this Information will be display for the Customer while booking
Greenfee Flight Information - if ticked, this Information will be displayed next to the Flights, an i-symbol will appear which customers can read while hovering over it
- This option is only functional if From / Till time are both defined.External URL - if defined, a link will appear below the Information Text (“Learn More”) which can be clicked/tapped to open the linked URL.
Please be aware - the defined Text will not be displayed in the GolfSuite currently, but will be shown online on the Marketplace (if not defined as Internal Information).
In case the Information(s) are not up to speed on the Marketplace (, click on the button “Resync. with Marketplace” to update the displayed Information(s) online.
This might take a few minutes, but works as long as no Information was deleted.
If deleted, the sync might not work 100%, so please refrain from deleting any active Information.
The next day a complete sync of the Tee Times is performed automatically, taking into account any outdated or deleted Information which will not be visible anymore.
Informations on the Nexxchange Marketplace
Information(s) are shown in a specific domain, which are:
Tee Sheet Overview - Tee Times
Tournament Overview - Tournaments
Rental Overview - “Other”
Events Overview - Events
General Information - Shown when clicking on the Golfclub on the Nexxchange Marketplace
Members Information - Members > General News
Types of Information
There are 4 types of Information you can set up - these depend on which of the 3 options you tick (or none):
We will quickly explain to you what they are and where they show up (online).
Universal Information
If no option is ticked, an Information is shown under the specified Domain:
If the Domain Tee Sheet is chosen, it is visible in the GolfSuite and on
If not, it is only shown online under the specified Domain.
Internal Information
If this option is ticked, the Information is only shown in the GolfSuite - not online.
Internal Information works with the Tee Sheet Domain only.
The Internal Information is not shown online:
Booking Information
If you choose this option, the Information will be shown online under the specified Domain during the start of a booking process:
This means you can not combine this option using the following two Domains:
General News
andMembers Information
Greenfee Flight Information
As the name suggests, this option is solely compatible with the Tee Sheet Domain.
You can specify an Information to be shown above the Greenfee Flight’s start time.
Click/Tap on the -icon to show the Information:
After you clicked on it