Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
POS Information
This will show an overview of all the POS (Point of Sales)-Groups created in your GolfSuite. Various things can be adjusted here and are essential to set up a POS-Group correctly.
General Settings
Here, you may adjust different settings for the POS-Group(s). The menu will look like this:
The following options are available:
← Click on this button to open an overview of this POS’s the selected POS-Group’s configuration and its last edit.
← Click on this button to open a new dialog window to edit settings:
Group Name - Name of the POS-Group
Group Number - Number of the POS-Group
Ticket Number Generator - The number generator which is used for the POS-Receipts
Seller - Only articles of this Seller can be sold and found (mandatory)
Storage Location - Defined during onboarding. Automatically tracks movement in case you sell or refund articles for which Inventory is defined. Only one can be chosen
Business section - Assign a business unit to this the POS-Group. Very important if It is important to have the correct Business Unit selected, in case you have multiple business units
Customer - The default customer used at the the POS-Group, by standard, it’s Day Guest (or something similar)
In case you accidentally overwrite its name, you can check its current name here.Invoice Print Mode - The default print-mode used if you accept open a paymentPOS-Ticket
Publish Invoice - A legacy-function, may be ignored
Only show articles in stock - Will automatically filter articles, so products not in stock will not be shown
Merge Ticket Items - Default is ticked. Automatically merges multiple, added articles
E.G. you add the same greenfee thrice → If this option is ticked, the quantity will update
If not → The article is listed 3 times separatelyOutstanding Invoices of Customer - Notifies you about outstanding invoices still not paid by a customer
Amount Treshold - Default set to 0,00. Lets you control the colored bar below a customer, notifying you visibly about the outstanding amount of this customer’s invoices (green-orange-red):
Invoice Customer Account Funding - Generates an invoice when you charge a customer’s Electronic Wallet
POS in Training modus - Currently only for GolfSuites located in DE, used for testing
← Click on this symbol to delete a POS-Group, opening a new dialog window:
Warning |
This is should only supposed to be used in case you set up be done with a POS-Group which you have not actually used. As always, we strongly advice against deleting anythingentities, especially a POS-Group! This can not be undone. It’s best to rename it instead of deleting the entity (e.g. TEST-POS), even if faulty. |
← Click on this button to add a new POS-Group.
Note |
A new POS-Group needs to be set up correctly. Please consult the Nexxchange-Support-Team if you require an additional POS-Group. |
Under this sub-tab, you can check the virtual devices POS-Devices set up. These are required for a the POS-Group to be functional. It will also show “Device Status”, which serves as a reminder for you if a POS is closed or
Device Number
Device Name
Device Status - If currently Closed or Opened
You may add an addtional additional POS-Device, edit an existing one or delete it.
If you are interested in letting customers pay remotely and independently (on-site), please let us know.
← Click on this button to show information about a created Payment Terminal
← Edit this Payment Terminal’s options:
← Delete this Payment Terminal:
← Used by the Nexxchange Team to add a new Payment Terminal:
This sub-tab shows you the Discount categories. The following options are available for you.
← Click on this button to show information about this Discount Category:
← Edit this Discount Category:
← Delete the Discount Category. This might cause issues if you want to Filter by applied Discount (which are getting deleted!) Please refrain from using any used discounts.
← Add a new Discount Category. You may define Name, Short Name, Color and an Icon:
← Click on this button to show information about this discount:
← Click on this button to edit the properties of the discount:
Discount name
Short Name
Category - You may manually assign a different Discount Category
Discount Percentage - between 0.01-1.
1 translates to 100%, 0,01 % translates to 1%.Discount - Discount in values. Add a flat discount (e.g. 10€)
Cumulative - If ticked, you can choose this combination with other discounts also defined as such
Price Base - You may choose between Gross or Net. Important for articles with different Price Base, usually Gross
Currency - The currency used for this discount
← Delete a Discount. This can be used on Discounts which have never been used - But it’s better to not delete them (if already used) in most cases, to avoid duplicates
← Create a new discount from scratch:
Product Tag
← Shows you an information about this Product Tag.
← Edit a Product Tag with this button.
← You may delete a Product Tag. This does not delete the article assigned to it or change it.
Product Tags are a visual aid for you at the POS.
← Click on this button to add a Product Tag. Parent Tags can be defined to assign a specific Article Tag to it (E.G. you define Restaurant, then add several tags and define the Parent Tag Restaurant).
Under this sub-tab, you can define Ticket Tags which can be assigned and used in your selected POS-Group.
← Open a small overview of your defined Ticket Tag
← Edit the existing Ticket Tag. You can edit any option, including Seller and Business Unit.
← Create a new POS Ticket Tag for the POS-Group. Business section is mandatory.
← Delete a POS Ticket Tag. This can also be done while assigned to a the POS-Group.
POS-Specific Configuration
If you click on a POS-Group, additional information is revealed below the list of all the different POS-Groups created.
Most of these categories are important for your daily business - The majority can be changed to suit your needs without affecting the overall functionality.
← Shows you information about the User and when it was added/updated (via edit).
← Lets you edit the User assigned or/and add a Memo.
← Lets you delete the User’s authorization to use this POS-Group.
← Lets you add a User to use this POS-Group.
← Clicking on this button opens an an information window
← Edit the POS-Device assigned. You can assign a Payment Terminal and if it’s Permanent (a POS-Device is supposed to be used permanently (thus default, always chosen when switching to the this POS-Group)
← Lets you delete the assigned POS-Device.
Warning |
Without an assigned POS-Device, the POS-Group is not functionable. |
← Click on this button to add an already defined (POS)-Device. You also have the option to add a Payment Terminal already configured.
This sub-tab displays every Product Tag assigned to this the POS-Group.
You may also add a new Product Tag.assign additional, already defined Product Tags to this POS-Group.
Info |
You may order the displayed Product Tags per “Drag and Drop”. |
← Click on this symbol to remove an existing Product Tag for this POS.
← Click on this button to add a Product Tag, defined previously under POS Info“POS Info”.
This sub-tab lets you choose between 3 options, affecting the articles shown in your POS-Group:
Show Article Number
Show Price
Show Facets
During the original immigration phase of your Golf Club, all newly configured POS-Groups by Nexxchange will have
these 3 options enabled. You may choose to disable either.
This sub-tab enables you to assign Discounts defined under POS-Templates.
← Click on this button to open up a new dialog window:
Click on the green button again to enable you choosing add this Discount while using the POSto your POS-Group.
You may re-arrange the order using drag Drag and dropDrop.
Payment Methods
You may choose the preferred (default, first to be used) Payment method here
← Click on the star to set the default Payment type. Green means default, usually Cash.
← Set this payment method as default change method (Default is Cash, should not be changed!)
← Disable this payment method for the POS-Group. If activated, you will not see any other option, meaning you can not accidentally define it as a standard used.
This sub-tab shows you a small overview of your Cash Register. The default Payment Method is Cash and should not be changed.
You may add Booking References (= FiBu-accounting numbers from your accounting software) for:
Proceeds - If you sell a product or receive any kind of money for a an external service/article doneand the money is taking out of the POS-Group.
Income - If you manually put money in the cash register without anything sold
Expense - If you buy a product or have to pay a fee for a for an external service/article bought and add this profit to the POS-Group.
Expenditure - If you manually take money out of the cash register