Link | Duration | Short description |
Business structure | 5:59 | Your business structure can be mapped simply and clearly |
Article management | 5:07 | Structured, consistent article management: Basis for fundamental work simplifications and error reduction |
Article creation | 2:55 | With just a few clicks it is possible to create new articles |
Delivery notes | 3:16 | Disciplined management of incoming goods enables you to take inventory more quickly |
Tee Time Booking | 2:12 | Brief overview of how to book a Tee Time quickly and easily! |
Tee Time Processing | 2:19 | Various possibilities to postpone, cancel, pay, add No-Shows, etc. |
Tournament processing | 10:18 | Illustrates a complete tournament processing including setup, entries, start times, score entry and evaluation |
POS/Kassa operation | 3:32 | Provides you with a quick overview of the operation of the POS-Kassa system |
POS/cashier | 1:30 | Detailed evaluations with the help of the daily journal |
POS/cashier configuration | 5:50 | Numerous options allow individual configuration for different users or your workstations |
Invoice management | 2:55 | All invoices can be administrated centrally, partial payments can be entered, reminders can be generated, etc. |
Invoice templates | 2:42 | Invoice templates form the basis for repetitive billing processes |
Long-term rental properties | 3:31 | Gives you easy management of long-term rental properties such as: Caddy boxes, trolleys, wardrobes, etc. |
New member creation | 2:23 | Simple and quick creation of new members |
Customer administration | 10:35 | In a quick run, essential customer and player information and their administration are displayed |
Customer communication | 1:05 | Customer communication (e-mail, SMS, print) is as simple and efficient as that, with templates and individual placeholders! |
Statistics Dashboard | 1:12 | Enables configuration and creation of statistics and reports, the basis of efficient management |
Table Filter | 2:28 | Complex table filters allow easy and fast search and display based on multiple criteria |
Export configuration | 1:10 | Export configuration allows you to define the data to be exported in a reproducible way |
Live Scoring (New) | 2:51 | Shows how much time you can save in the tournament evaluation by entering the scores yourself. |
Video tutorials Marketplace