Seller: This field assumes that a seller has already been created.
(separation of employee/article/statistics/authorizations authorisations etc.)
Article category: Separates articles, e.g. at the POS for better listing (categorically), is used for evaluations.
Item descriptionDisplay name: is a required field.
Item Article number: Depending on the selected article category, whether mandatory field or not (if no number generator is stored, it is a mandatory field).
B - Price information
Sales pricePrice: The actual value of the item is defined here.
Currency: Currently only Euro is available.
Price basisbase: net/gross.
Tax rate: The corresponding tax rate must be selected here.
Color & Symbol: is for visual display at the cash desk (the short name is displayed in this color or symbol).
D - Classification:
Article Type: is currently divided into 'Greenfee' and'Other'.
If you want to maintain a warehouse stock → Select warehouse stock informationStock Management:
After you have done this, you still have the option described under point A to enter order information for the article.
A - Stock monitoringcontrol: Used to cleanly manage information to make inventory and ordering more efficient.
B - Storage locations: Specifies where the item will be stored.
Stock monitoring is again available under the storage location. You can therefore only monitor stock for this warehouse.
C - Supplier: This is where the data is stored for:
Supplier: Here you specify who delivered this article to you.
Supplier article number: You can use this article number to place an order (internal article number with the supplier).
Supplier Barcode supplier: As an alternative to the supplier's article number, there is also a'barcode supplier' (internal barcode number at the supplier).
Purchase pricePrice/currency/price basisbase/tax rate: Here you enter the actual data for the purchase of the article.
If you do not want to keep a stock → Select Other (the 2nd option after 'Stock information'):
Period: See illustration above.