Item number: Depending on the selected article category, whether mandatory field or not (if no number generator is stored, it is a mandatory field).
B - Price information
Sales price: The actual value of the item is defined here.
Currency: Currently only Euro is available.
Price basis: net/gross.
Tax rate: The corresponding tax rate must be selected here.
C -Other information
Units: Here you can select existing ones. With the button it is possible to create a new unit in the workflow.
Availability: Options are divided into Prohibit, Allow and Backoffice (here an article can be created and only released later e.g. = Prohibit)
Area - additional information
A - Additional information:
Short name, description and memo
Period: This is specified for articles that are allocated at periodic intervals, for example, rental articles.
B codes:
Article Barcode: The barcode of the article is stored here. With a barcode device, this article can now be recognized and selected.
Booking reference: currently no function.
C - Representation:
Color & Symbol: is for visual display at the cash desk (the short name is displayed in this color or symbol).
D - Classification:
Article Type: is currently divided into'Greenfee' and'Other'.
By specifying'Greenfees' you can create groupings in the TeeTimes. This makes it possible for you to specify a 9-hole booking in more detail in further steps, for example.
(more information: TeeTimes - Tee times#Book tee times)
Area - Stock information
Here you differentiate whether you want to maintain a stock level or not (this information is therefore necessary).
Keep inventory
If you want to maintain a warehouse stock → Select warehouse stock information: