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The menu
Article overview / Edit article
You can access the article overview via the menu item'Articles', or via the'Quick search' (as explained under General information#Menu guidance).
Here you see the possibilities to limit the articles by main category, category, or both combined.
For help on sorting and explaining the buttons, see General Information#Tables(Grid).
- ... where you are
- ... missing information necessary to complete the article (green = input OK or not necessary, orange = required information missing).
Background Green: This page was called once + the information is OK.
Font Green: You do not have to edit this page, but you can still enter information about the article.
Font Orange: The necessary information about the article is missing here, which is why the article cannot be created in this state.
With basic information and stock levels, there is enough information to create an item.
The explanations for all steps (create article) are as follows:
Area - Basic Information
A - General information
(the following logic is applied to the entire article flow: With Save the article is created at any time, with Continue you always jump to the next area).
Seller: This field assumes that a seller has already been created.
(separation of employee/article/statistics/authorizations etc.)
Article category: Separates articles, e.g. at the POS for better listing (categorically), is used for evaluations.
Item description: is a required field.
Item number: Depending on the selected article category, whether mandatory field or not (if no number generator is stored, it is a mandatory field).