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Table of Contents


Full screen and how to enable/disable it

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Click on this area in the upper right corner to change the POS-Interface into full screen - While hovering over it, it will show “Toggle Fullscreen”:


A screenshot follows to visualize what each part of the POS-Ticket means/what which buttons do/show:

Additional Features

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→ Click on this button for additional features


→ Click on this button to add funds and complete this transaction.

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→ Click on this button to cancel this transaction (or click outside of the dialog window to cancel).


You may also click on the symbol on the left (the arrow pointing leftwards) after clicking on the orange button, next to your POS-Device’s name, to sign out:


When you open the POS, this is the default-area loaded. This is the part of the POS which allows you to freely navigate through pre-defined Product Tags.


  • Your mouse wheel

  • The sidebars on the right

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Click on any Product to add it to your current POS-Ticket:



Whether adding additional Products results in a separate Product Position or adding to the quantity of an already existing Product Position (if it is the same), can be defined by yourself under POS-Groups.

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You may hover over a Product Tag to see its name.
Clicking on any of the Product Tags will only show the Products assigned to this Product-Tag - This is useful for specific Greenfees or Rentals you often sell to save time searching.


The POS-Interface will change accordingly:

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Notice the colored borders? These are defined by the Product-Tags color chosen. You can freely change the color any time under General Settings | Product Tag.

The icons are optional - if not defined, the name of the Product-Tag will be shown.

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Click on this small icon in the lower-right corner to reveal additional information, which will show you the following details of this Product (if defined):


Simply click on one of the following buttons to change the order of the Products.

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By default, Products are shown ordered by:

  • Product-Tags(s)

  • Manually assigned order of Products

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This can be changed to →

  • Product-Tags(s)

  • Ascending alphabetical order:


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Or change this to →

  • Product-Tags(s)

  • Descending alphabetical order:

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If you close the current window/tab in your browser and open it again, it will switch back to the default ordering of Products.

If you do not close and open a new window/tab in your browser, the selected ordering of Products stays the same while switching between areas of the POS.

E.g. you proceed to “Payment”, complete a transaction and navigate back to Tags - The ordering option you chose earlier remains the same.


This is the 2nd area where you can find Products with a search-function.

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→ Click on this button to move to this area of your POS. It’s designed to search and find any Product eligible to be sold in this POS-Device.


Clicking on the arrow will change the POS-Interface to show either the Main- or Subcategories:

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The other option is to navigate through the Main- and Subcategories of your Products.


Simply click on the desired Icon/Text to navigate to this specific entry:

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→ If you click on this Maincategory-Icon, it will show the Subcategories of “Restaurant”:

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The Category you have currently selected is shown with a dark-grey background.



Product Tags are not the same as Main- or Subcategories. They are independent entities.

This is why knowing how to navigate through both areas, Tags & Search, is essential. (warning)

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You may klick on this icon to reveal additional information, similar to what you can do in the Tags-area , showing additional information:


Use the Clear-button to reset the Quantity or cancel scanning a Barcode.

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→ Once a ticket is ready to be paid, click on this green button to move to the Payment area of a POS-Ticket.


Your current selection is colored blue - None means, nothing is printed / no printing dialog window is going to open when this POS-Ticket is settled:

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You can always print out a copy of this transaction if you navigate to Receipts.

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→ By clicking on this arrow pointing downwards, you can choose a different template to print.


Account Balance:


Limit Amount:


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→ Clicking on this button adds the Electronic Wallet as a Payment Option to the POS-Ticket, allowing your Customer to pay with the Electronic Wallet - Define the amount manually or click on the Star-symbol to automatically assign the remaining amount to this Payment Method:


Charging an Electronic Wallet via Customer Account Funding

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Click on this yellow button in the upper left corner of your POS-Device. This will open a dropdown-menu with additional functions of your POS-Device.


Choose the correct Electronic Wallet to charge, the amount and the “Receiving Fund Payment Method” (= the Payment Method) received from the Customer:

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If you then refresh the tab/window of the browser or create a new POS-Ticket and choose the Customer again, the updated amount will be reflected in the current balance of this Customer’s Electronic Wallet:


Search the right Product or choose it using a Product Tag and add it normally to your POS-Ticket:

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Change the amount of this Product manually to the amount you want to charge the Electronic Wallet (click into the Price to be able to manually change it):


Click on the 3 black dots in the lower right corner of the following screenshot…

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→ …and click on “Set Ticket is for Dep”… ←


Tick the checkbox next to “Fund to this account.” and choose the Payment Method received from the Customer. Then, hit the Star-symbol to automatically settle the right amount for this POS-Ticket.

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→ Click on the green button to settle the POS-Ticket and fund this Electronic Wallet:



If this POS-Ticket is successfully marked as a Deposit-Ticket, a piggy-bank-icon can be seen next to the POS-Ticket-Number (above the POS-Ticket amount).


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→ Click on this button to change the POS-Interface to the Discounts-Overview.


Click on this symbol to manually define a Discount - Choose the % for a percental Discount, or choose the Currency to define a manual Discount.

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If you made a mistake, press on this button to clear your input.

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Click the green Tick-button to apply the Discount to your current POS-Ticket’s position you chosen:


The Total will update accordingly and will be shown as with a different color (34,00):


Just like with Tags, you can order the Discounts in default, ascending or descending order using the appropriate buttons next to your Discount-Category.


→ Create a new ticket clicking on this button. You can create (and delete) as many POS-Tickets as you like - but you can not restore them once you delete them. Please keep this in mind.

Deleting a POS-Ticket

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→ Click on this symbol to delete the whole POS-Ticket, if you have no individual Product Position currently chosen.


Editing a Customer record directly in your POS

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← Click on this arrow first. It’s located right next to the X-button:


This changes the POS-Interface, allowing you to directly edit a Customer record and to create a new Address for this specific Customer - directly in your POS.

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→ Click on this button to edit the Customer’s record - directly in your POS:


→ Use it to create & permanently enable this Address for the specified Customer.

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→ Click on this button to cancel the step of entering a new Address.


To remove/define an Address as Billing or Postal Address, click the corresponding buttons:

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You may also update or delete an already defined Address:


There are a few things which should be mentioned.

Adding an Agent

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→ Click on this symbol to start adding an Agent to this POS-Ticket:


Search for an already created Agent in your GolfSuite:

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→ Click on the tick to add this Agent to the POS-Ticket. The visuals will change (blue background):


Removing an Agent from a POS-Ticket

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→ Click on this symbol (now with a blue background) to start the process.


to save the change done to this Product:

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You can not change the Total of a POS-Ticket position directly.

Change it by applying a Discount or manually defining the Price you want to charge.


How to show additional information about the Product Position

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← Click on this symbol to show additional information about this Product:


We assume we send the whole booking to the POS-Ticket - but Maxi Muster tells us he wants to pay for his mother, Musterfrau Martina, which is currently not a member of your Golf Club.

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← Click on the tick on the very left corner of a Product Position and define the correct Customer which is paying for this specific Product:


How to delete a specific Product Position

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← Click on the tick on the very left corner of a Product Position:


The currently selected Product(s) will be shown with a dark-grey background:

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→ Then click on this symbol to delete it.


How to remove a Payment Method from a POS-Ticket

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← Click on this symbol to remove an already assigned Payment Method.

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How to show/hide more Payment Methods inside your POS-Interface

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← To show additional Payment Methods, click on this button.


Each Payment Method available at the POS will be visible:

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← You can show less if you click on this button.

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The Payment Method shown within the UI-Element is the Short Name defined in

Payment Methods.

The Tooltip shows the Display Name, if you remain with your mouse over the UI-Element.

The Display or Short Name can be changed freely, not affecting the function of the POS.


  • Successful (e.g. the Customer’s Debit Card has been charged) - 2 ticks are visible:

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  • Failed/Aborted by the POS-User (e.g. the Customer’s Debit Card has not been charged) - a X is visible:

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Settle the the POS-Ticket for it to be correctly registered and shown under Daily Reports.

