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Page 1/6: Enter your personal data here. Be sure the following information is recorded, whether automatically filled using the association search or by manually editing:

  1. First Name

  2. Last Name

  3. Salutation

  4. Nationality

  5. Gender

  6. Birthday

This is mandatory for members, but not for guests - We suggest you always add this information.

Published tournaments will require this base data to be properly sent.


  • Type (your membership type)

  • Start Date (when this person is officially a member)

  • Customer sub category (the displayed sub category)

  • Handicap (Here you can also select its STATUS, be it: Active, RV, Pro, NAM, PR, TE and OV)

  • Home Club (your GolfclubGolf Club)

  • Other Clubs (if your new member is part of another Golfclub)

  • Create billing template (if checked, creates a billing template for this customer)

  • Payment method (as standard, use “Invoice”)

  • Mark current year as paid (so nothing will be billed under billing template for this year). The next due date will be the 01.01 (standard value) for the next year, unless specified differently.

  • Create POS Ticket (creates a Ticket for the POS)


Page 6/6: In the summary, you can review all the information entereddefined.

Once you are done, press on the blue Save-button to finish setting up the new member. This will create a new member and automatically open its customer record in the upper left corner →


Once pressed, the new member is created and you are forwarded to the new member’s created entry.

Association Upload

Navigate to Golf Data > National golf association of your new member’s customer record.


If they the new member already owns an association ID, you may manually find your customer using the Manual Assignment. You may also change Association Membership or Delete an assignment.


It does not hurt to double check if a member already has a record within your association.

In case you do find a record after you set up a new member, press the button “Sync with Association” to reacquire the latest date available provided by your association, specifically including the latest HandicapHCPI.

Once you are done checking everything about your customer, press the “Upload to National Association”-button, in order to let your association know this . The data for this member is then uploaded to the federation - essentially letting the federation know this golf player is now part of your GolfclubGolf Club.


In case the customer has no association ID, it will now be created by your association and linked with this customer. It may take several minutes or more to process/validate the new information by your the association, regardless if an whether a new ID is created or not.

Please be patient when uploading a new member.