← Click on this button to open an overview of this POS’s configuration and its last edit.
← Click on this button to open a new dialog window to edit settings:
Group Name - Name of the POS
Group Number - Number of the POS
Ticket Number Generator - The number generator which is used for the POS-Receipts
Seller - Only articles of this Seller can be sold and found (mandatory)
Storage Location - Defined during onboarding. Automatically tracks movement in case you sell or refund articles for which Inventory is defined. Only one can be chosen
Business section - Assign a business unit to this POS. Very important if you have multiple business units
Customer - The default customer used at the POS, by standard, it’s Day Guest (or something similar)
In case you accidentally overwrite its name, you can check its current name here.Invoice Print Mode - The default print-mode used if you accept a payment
Publish Invoice - A legacy-function, may be ignored
Only show articles in stock - Will automatically filter articles, so products not in stock will not be shown
Merge Ticket Items - Default is ticked. Automatically merges multiple, added articles
E.G. you add the same greenfee thrice → If this option is ticked, the quantity will update
If not → The article is listed 3 times separatelyOutstanding Invoices of Customer - Notifies you about outstanding invoices still not paid by a customer
Amount Treshold - Default set to 0,00. Lets you control the colored bar below a customer, notifying you visibly about the outstanding amount of this customer’s invoices (green-orange-red):
Invoice Customer Account Funding - Generates an invoice when you charge a customer’s Electronic Wallet
POS in Training modus - Currently only for GolfSuites located in DE, used for testing
← Click on this symbol to delete a POS, opening a new dialog window:
If you are interested in letting customers pay remotely and independently (on-site), please let us know.
← Click on this button to show information about a created Payment Terminal
← Edit this Payment Terminal’s options:
← Delete this Payment Terminal:
← Used by the Nexxchange Team to add a new Payment Terminal:
← Click on this button to show information about this Discount Category:
← Edit this Discount Category:
← Delete the Discount Category. This might cause issues if you want to Filter by applied Discount (which are getting deleted!) Please refrain from using any used discounts.
← Add a new Discount Category. You may define Name, Short Name, Color and an Icon:
← Click on this button to show information about this discount:
← Click on this button to edit the properties of the discount:
Discount name
Short Name
Category - You may manually assign a different Discount Category
Discount Percentage - between 0.01-1.
1 translates to 100%, 0,01 % translates to 1%.Discount - Discount in values. Add a flat discount (e.g. 10€)
Cumulative - If ticked, you can choose this combination with other discounts also defined as such
Price Base - You may choose between Gross or Net. Important for articles with different Price Base, usually Gross
Currency - The currency used for this discount
← Delete a Discount. This can be used on Discounts which have never been used - But it’s better to not delete them (if already used) in most cases, to avoid duplicates
← Create a new discount from scratch:
← Shows you an information about this Product Tag.
← Edit a Product Tag with this button.
← You may delete a Product Tag. This does not delete the article assigned to it or change it.
Product Tags are a visual aid for you at the POS.
← Click on this button to add a Product Tag. Parent Tags can be defined to assign a specific Article Tag to it (E.G. you define Restaurant, then add several tags and define the Parent Tag Restaurant).
← Open a small overview of your defined Ticket Tag
← Edit the existing Ticket Tag. You can edit any option, including Seller and Business Unit.
← Create a new POS Ticket Tag. Business section is mandatory.
← Delete a POS Ticket Tag. This can also be done while assigned to a POS.
← Shows you information about the User and when it was added/updated (via edit).
← Lets you edit the User assigned or/and add a Memo.
← Lets you delete the User’s authorization to use this POS.
← Lets you add a User to use this POS.
← Clicking on this button opens an an information window
← Edit the POS Device assigned. You can assign a Payment Terminal and if it’s Permanent (default, always chosen when switching to the POS)
← Lets you delete the assigned Device.
Warning |
Without an assigned Device, the POS is not functionable. |
← Click on this button to add an already defined (POS)-Device. You also have the option to add a Payment Terminal already configured.
You may order the displayed Product Tags per “Drag and Drop”.
← Click on this symbol to remove an existing Product Tag for this POS.
← Click on this button to add a Product Tag, defined previously under “POS Info”.
← Click on the star to set the default Payment type. Green means default, usually Cash.
← Set this payment method as default change method (Default is Cash, should not be changed!)
← Disable this payment method for the POS. If activated, you will not see any other option, meaning you can not accidentally define it as a standard used.