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Under this tab, you can see an overview of your Sellers. Clicking on one seller will show several sub-tabs below “SEPA Mandate Information”.

You may find Mandate Transactions here, which are defined when creating an invoice, via marking an article under Periodic Billing to be paid with a SEPA-Transaction.

How this works is explained here →

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You may filter transactions by specific conditions available here. The options you can choose from are the same for all 4 sub-tabs.


The following tabs can be selected:

  • Queued Mandate Transactions - If there are any new positions you can export/compress, they are shown under this tab.

  • Pending Mandate Transactions - Once exported, they will be shown under this sub-tab.

  • Failed Mandate Transactions - If a transactions has failed (or was marked failed manually), they will be shown under this sub-tab.

  • Settled Mandate Transactions - Finished transactions can be seen here. If you accidentally settle a transaction, you are still able to manually mark it as failed, and then choose additional options.

Operations available for Transaction Mandates

Export Sepa Mandate


Clicking on this Symbol opens up a new dialog window which lets you export this specific transaction manually. If you need to export it with Write Payment Description or/and Suppress Payment Reference, or none of those 2, depends on your bank institute. The Collection Date is usually set 3-5 days ahead.


Mark as failed


Clicking on this symbol opens up a new dialog window. You may specify this transaction as failed. You may define Date failed and you have the option to change the sum (usually not recommended).


Settle Transaction


Clicking on this symbol lets you mark a transaction as settled. In case one of your members has already payed in advance, you can settle a transaction, choose the Payment Method received and its Date.


Edit Transaction


By clicking on this symbol you can manually change the Next payment due date, as well as the Sum you are expecting. This can be used if someone wants to pay an additional, outstanding transaction (another mandate transaction you still expect).



Be sure you either settle, edit or close the corresponding transactions (if any exist), in case you choose to change the Sum expected.



Uncompressing a Sepa Mandate Transaction will split up the transaction into its original mandates.


Click on “Uncompress Sepa Mandate Transaction” to split the transaction back up.


You have the option to do this for already exported Mandate Transactions as well.



You have to tick the “Overwrite” box, to uncompress the Mandate Transaction and send it back into the original sub-tab, Queued Mandate Transactions.

Mark as closed


If you want to mark this specific transaction as closed, simply click on the button Mark as closed. This can be useful if you know a Transaction won’t be received (e.g. no payment will be received) or this amount has already been payed, so this mandate transaction is not required anymore.


The sub-tab below it will then show a note with “Mark as closed”.



Please be aware, a closed Mandate can not be reopened, even if you navigate to this original Transaction’s invoice.


Exporting SEPA Mandates

Using our adaptive filter-system, narrow down the debit mandates you want to export. Once you have done that, you may choose to compress them.

This can be useful if multiple, different positions are available for a specific customer, but you want to cut down on the amount of separate Mandate Transactions you want to send towards your bank.

E.g. you want to cut down on file-size or/and amount charged for each Mandate Transaction you send, if you are being charged, but please be aware of each individual transaction’s “Next payment due”-date.

The customer might not be happy to pay the whole outstanding amount at once

Once you made you selection, the system might give you a warning, in case bank information is missing:

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After you added the missing information, you may proceed to click on the “Export debit mandate”-button.

Transactions seen here are not settled - they are merely ready to be downloaded as a file, which you need to upload to your bank institute to start the bank’s automatic SEPA-Mandate process.

To download the .xml file needed for online-banking, you have to click on the following marked area:

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Once downloaded, you can open it using a text editor to check the file’s content. Once content, please follow your bank institute’s guide on SEPA-Mandates on how to proceed and upload them.


We need to know whether to export a SEPA-Mandate .xml-file whether with or without “Suppress Payment Reference” or/and “Write Payment Description”.

Bank institutes may or may not require these 2 options for a file to be uploaded successfully.

If the .xml-file is rejected by your bank institute, you may ask the bank institute for assistance.

Please be aware, 0.00-values are to be avoided. This might lead to errors as well.

Marking a Transaction as paid

You can singularly mark a Transaction as paid, or narrow down your selection using our adaptive filter-system.

Once satisfied, click on the orange Settle SEPA Mandate Transactions - Button.


Specify the Payment Method, the Date and the SEPA Collection Date (when you received the payment).

Click on the Settle Mandate Transactions - Button to finish this process.

Once done, you can find them under the sub-tab “Settled Mandate Transactions”:

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We successfully settled this position and the system will let you know (under History) when, what and by whom settled this transaction.

Under any case, you can always mark a settled transaction as failed, even if it has already been settled.

You can specify the sum and the Date failed. It will then be sent towards “Failed Mandate Transactions”.

What to do if a SEPA-Transaction has been settled, then marked as failed

It is important to keep track of your received payments. If a transaction has been falsely marked as payed, you have to check as to why and what happened. Contact your bank institute or your customer for further information as to what might have transpired.

Marking a transaction as failed will also show it as “Failed” under the specified invoice’s “Debit mandate”:

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Our Software can not know if the transaction has actually been successful or not. So the amount is still being handled as “paid”, since it has been marked as paid once (subject to change).

To fix this, you can turn the amount negative and manually add it towards your invoice, so the outstanding amount is back to what’s actually still open:

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If you check the outstanding amount, it is back to the original value:


Before you do this, double-check if the amount has really not been payed to avoid confusion.


Please always contact the support if you are unsure what to do next.