This section will explain, step by step, how to set up and utilize a Dynamic Membership.
Group Type - Creating a Dynamic Membership Group Type
Navigate to Groups → Group configuration → press on the green + symbol.
Choose Dynamic Membership Group Type and press on the green “Add”-button.
This will open a different dialog window, opposed to that of a regular Group Type.
In a Dynamic Membership, you can define the following:
Max. Allowed Nominee(s) - The max amount of customers which can book with this membership
Maximum Count Of Guest Nominee(s) - A sub-value for the sub-category guests
Max Concurrent Players Allowed - Defines the max. amount of players on the green at the same time
Max. Daily Bookings Allowed - The maximum amount of daily bookings for this membership
Evaluation Period Days - If you want to limit the time you can book (days) in advance
Membership Required - If a nominee needs to be a part of your Golfclub, check this box.
Federation Registration Required - If a nominee needs to be part of your national federation, check this box
Group Position Of Nominee(s) - The default position assigned to people you add to this membership
You are able to change every detail of a Dynamic Membership. Click on the yellow button next to it:
Press on the orange “Save”-button to edit this entry. Now, we add additional Group Positions:
You may add any amount of positions manually. It works exactly like regular groups, which is explained under Customers - Groups.
Assigning and Activating a Dynamic Membership
Navigate to Customers → Customers & CRM. Search or create a customer and open the sub-tab Membership.
Info |
This customer first needs a valid membership of any kind. Else, you will not able to create a Dynamic Membership. |
Now, click on the blue “Create Dynamic Membership”-button.
This will open a new dialog window, allowing you to set up the Dynamic Membership and adding players.
Choose a name, pick your desired Group Type and define a Nexxchange Marketplace Administrator.
Then, switch to the tab “Nominees” and add all the golf players who are allowed to book.
Either use the quick search or press on the lens-symbol to open a detailed search grid:
Pressing on the “bin”-button next to a nominee will delete the entry.
Press on the blue “Save”-button to save your options. Once you set up the Dynamic Membership, it will look like this in your GolfSuite:
Under Dynamic Membership Booking(s), you will see any booking done with this specific membership.
You may freely edit the configuration of this membership, or delete it.
Dynamic Membership - Marketplace Administrator
If you choose to do so, you will be able to choose (and book) using this very customer’s Marketplace account.
Note |
Currently, this function is in development and will get overhauled. We will update this section once it’s fully functional and developed. |