All messages that are communicated, via Print/Email/SMS, are recorded here.
Info |
Our E-Mail delivery system can only check, if our part (the sender) shows any signs of errors. If an E-Mail is correctly sent out, it may still be blocked, automatically deleted or put into the spam folder of the receiver, depending on:
Please note that customers not receiving E-Mails can have many issues apart from your Software-Provider. |
To check if an E-Mail could not be sent, set the Filter under “Failed” to True. If it could not be sent, the checkbox under “Failed” will be marked, looking like this.
If you click on the information button to the left of the communication channel (e.g. Print, Email, SMS) you can see more detailed information about the communication, namely:
Channel (Email / SMS / Print)
Recipient (customer’s name)
User (name of your co-worker
Customer Id
Sent (date of sending)
Here is an example how what the information shows.