Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Point of Sale stands for:


Group number: The number of the POS group.

Ticket number generator: a consecutive number which is responsible for the assignment of the ticket number (not to be confused with the invoice number).


titleCreate new POS device

If you need to create one or more POS devices, first go to the POS Devices tab and add some viathe button. Then we can continue with the assignment of the device to the group.


However, if both are not defined, the selection must be made manually.
You can , provided, however, that it is not defined as an invoice or postal address.
In addition, you can go back and leave the entries as they were on  .
If you effect a change to an existing address, you can save this within the customer data  in on the ticket .

Create a new address


If you want to remove the discounts only for certain articles, you have to select them by clicking on the description, if you want to select more articles you have to hold down the control key.

In this case position, 2 + 3 was selected, click on the three points in the lower right corner, and click on Reset Discount (see screenshot below). 

Charge customer account/customer cards

You have the possibility to charge money for our IoT solution (range ball output) via POS member cards/customer cards


An Electronic wallet must be deposited with your member/customer (see screenshot below), path: Customers / Clients & CRM → "Tab" Electronic wallet.

The payment method customer account must be deposited, see the red frame in the screenshot below. Path: POS / Administration / Payment methods.

By clicking on the button you get to the "customer account top-up" and can top up the card with an amount, the colored fields must be filled in.
If your settings are correct, the customer card (Konto= Account) is automatically highlighted in the blue framed field, the same applies to the currency.

Close ticket


Image AddedImage Added
Image Added

titleUse multiple payment methods at the same time

You also have the option of using dividing the amount into several payment methods. All you have to do is select the desired payment method of payment and enter the amount that was paid with it, then add a second payment method and a second amount and complete the transaction/ticket as usual with Image Removed (see manually and close the ticket/payment with Image Added(see screenshot below).

Reminder: In order to be able to complete a ticket, no remaining amount must be open! Exceptions are payment methods where you can withdraw money from the cash drawer or return money is still to be paid.

Image Added
Image RemovedImage Added

It is not possible to pay a green fee twice. Once you have sent a booking to the cash register once, and it has been paid, it will not be possible to send it to the cash register again. Instead, you get the following message:
Image Added

Agent (sale on behalf of)


Date from & toThe period for which you want to narrow down your search
CustomerFor a specific customer
UserLogged in userSearching for users is very helpful, should not use multiple users 1 account (who billed when/what...).
Amount from & toLimiting desired amounts
Payment methodFiltered according to certain payment types
AgentFilter by invoices with set agentThe sales agent can be stored as a 'sales agent' or a 'customer' in an invoice.
ItemFilter by a specific itemOnly when grouping by-product or booking reference.
Item categoryFilter by a specific item categoryHere all articles are shown which are assigned to this category. Only when grouping by-product or booking reference.
Include Cash Book?Filter by cash book entries or POS invoicesIf, for example, you need to print a report, you can explicitly filter by which areas your entries are from.
RepresentationFiltering with or without representation
RepresentativeFilter by specific representatives on whose behalf you sellHere you can search for an individual representative.
Text search
Only when grouping by-product or booking reference.
DiscountFilter by discounted billsOnly when grouping by-product or booking reference.
