Once you have entered this information, you can complete/create an article (if all other information has been entered).
Area -
All characteristics for the article are stored here.
If these do not already exist (color, clothing size, etc...) you can create them with theButton (in the process). The same applies to the facets (red, yellow, X Large, XX Large, etc.).
When you enter the facets, the bottom left-hand corner shows whether this article has already been created.
If such articles already exist, you will see a small table showing how they already exist (this will help you to avoid duplicates).
After you have created one or more articles, you can revise them at any time. To do this, simply select an article and overwrite it in the lower area.
You also conclude this change(s) . This procedure is independent of the division and is applied in the same way everywhere.
Source of supply
- Enter the actual purchasing information for the article
- Indication (if desired) of the "article in the name of" / "on account of" (for more information see POS - Cash#Deputy).